Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Cleaning Up

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Me? Maldita?
God! I'm sooo sleepy. Today's supposedly my rest day but because of the swap for my new year off, I have to come in to work at 12mn. And I got a call from OPS informing me that starting tomorrow, I'll be coming in at 1am. So that means I'll handle my first official A-Bay team. I'm excited and scared at the same time. We'll see.
I hate Ryan! We both agreed I'll come here at their house despite the fact that I'll be working later and I will not sleep but he'll keep me company because even after several years of sleeping over, I'm still a li'l shy when his parents are here. They stay in Bohol. But he left with his dad and brothers to get more car stuff and he hasn't been home since 4-5pm. Ugh. I'm sooo sleepy but I don't wanna sleep. Because he's not here yet. But he remembered the wallet I wanted to buy and gave it to me as a christmas gift while I didn't get one for him, hahahaha! Wait! I think that's the car. Gotta go.
By the way, I had to smile at Ann's (our CARE trainer) blog. I didn't know I come across as maldita, hehehehe..Ü
On a lighter note, I had CARE Training for Team Soc and believe me, they made a very big difference. I was broken the whole time I was training them because I was still bothered about me and "S". Yet thanks to my trainees (Yuan, Sharpey, Elaine, Rhiza to name a few) who made the whole experience worthwhile. I had diversion and all I had to do was laugh all the heartaches out. I was also thankful because my impression people changed. Like Clau, I've always seen her as sooooo "maldita." Detestable! Difficult! Who would look at you with her glaring stare and you'ld melt and die that instant. In truth, she is really one hell of a personality but I realized, she's just more like me and we somehow think a like. And I figured, we can really be good friends. :) It made me realize that the saying "first impressions NEVER last" holds true. What you perceive of people doesnt have to be their reality. It takes a lifetime to fathom the unknown. Like one of the Johari Quadrants, we have a FACADE and oftentimes, this is misinterpreted. :)
Posted by
Friday, December 26, 2008
Labels: eperformax
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Shit Happens..
Second, I terribly miss my family and it sucks to be away from home during the holidays. Worse, I'll be working. It's almost 8.30pm and I'll login at 10pm. I decided to be early 'coz being alone in my room makes me want to get a knife and slash my wrist.
But wait, there's more! I got a free ride on my way here. I hailed a habal2x and even demanded angrily to drop me in front of McDonald's when the driver said he can't. I wished the ground swallowed me whole when he said when I was about to pay, "cge lang, wala man ko namasahero, maayong pasko.." Unsa ka liki! Ulaw to the highest level!!!
Posted by
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Labels: eperformax
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I'd just like to express how painful it was to say goodbye to doing side-by-side and remote evals for my old team. I'd miss screaming at them when they're too rowdy during the meetings, the annoyance when they don't follow my rules with their maint forms, the being proud or frustrated with their quality, my being pissed off with their ABSENTEEISM, etc, etc. They made me cry last time when they told me they'd outcast me since I'm no longer part of the team but I cried even harder with their replies to my semi-farewell text message. We'd be on the same floor but then I'll be too pre-occupied to laugh at their crazy antics. Sigh. The sacrifices we have to make to move up..
Posted by
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Labels: eperformax
Sunday, December 14, 2008
"Yaya, You're Such a Loser!"
She's been out of school for about 2 months now and my bf was shocked to see her with a big bag yesterday and we all think she'd probably stay here at their house for the meantime while looking for a job though Ryan's bro haven't said anything yet. Whenever I'd sleep over here, I'd put my bag in one room and arrange my things neatly in one place. Last time, Lyn2x was shocked to see her clothes hanging neatly in one of the family's cabinet, and one bag in each room. Kapal kaayo! I've been sleeping over for 3 years and I've never even thought about that. To think wala pa cla 1 year. Unsa ka baga'g nawong!
Posted by
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Labels: call center, cebu
Monday, December 8, 2008
Good Luck, Trainer..
We had our company christmas party last Saturday at CICC and unfortunately, I was so tired from work that I forgot about my digicam. The pictures I have were taken at Elaine's place. Her friend Bienne took care of our hair and make-up and he happens to be a former team8 from PS. I was just so exhausted coming to work at 1.30am and logging off at 11.30am, going home to take a bath and went to the parlor to meet-up with Charie for manicure-pedicure with heavy rain pour. Then on to Elaine's place where we waited until the former, Jeff and Yuan got all dolled up. Charie and I arrived at CICC almost 7pm already - tired and hungry. I think the party was a bore.. Without some of the nice broadway performances, Yuan's winning the Elle Award and the picture-taking after the party, I wouldn't be excited to see the pictures... I guess I didn't enjoy it as much as the others, because I was sooo sleepy. Anyways.. The company gave away lots and lots of hams and canned goods and cheese. Most of us came back to get more and they didn't mind. I gave one package to my landlady and the rest here at Ryan's house. And a couple of hours ago, I cooked my first meaty spaghetti. Thanks to ePerformax for the free ingredients! LOL!
Tomorrow night we'll have a team training and I can't wait for us to get together for 4 days of fun and learnings. I wish the trainer (I'm not yet sure who) can read this --> I strongly suggest you get yourself some aspirin. My team is unbelievably rowdy and noisy. As in, pwerte jd ka mga sipat! And I'm not saying that only because it's my team and it's human nature that we should be proud of it, but if I had been in another team, I'd say exactly the same to this group. When I started with them, there were 4 gays and 4 lesbians, 2 niggah's (Ken and Charie) and the rest were girls with attitudes. Now I only have 2 gays, 2 lesbians, 1 niggah, 3 guys, 4 preggy (d ko m.saba kinsa ang usa, hahahahahaha!) and 6 girls - of course, me and their coach Socie. But with Yuan and Rhiza alone... with their unforgiving insults towards Charie.. the trainer will have a hard time taming the group. Good luck, trainer!
Posted by
Monday, December 08, 2008
Labels: christmas, CICC, eperformax
Monday, December 1, 2008
Human Tetris
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Monday, December 01, 2008
Labels: funny, human tetris, youtube
My New Crib
I don't know if this is for long but Ryan and I share the same RD now. That means more quality time, hehehehe. But I don't know where he is right now. I'm alone watching random videos in YouTube yet again. I think I stink already so I'll take a bath now. By the way, to those waiting for the new pix and videos.. I've already uploaded it in Multiply. Click HERE.
Posted by
Monday, December 01, 2008
Labels: cebu, eperformax
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Anxiety Attack
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Labels: CEO, eperformax, global response
Monday, November 24, 2008
I could talk about the pain in the ass loser in the office who seems to be making me the scapegoat of his mediocrity but it's a waste of time. Sooo... Let's talk about pleasant things.Ü Ryan got himself a 19" flatscreen monitor and I'm loving it! With his savings all drained out because of the car repair and his other computer must-have's, I wonder if it's gonna be a merry xmas..
Yesterday I went house hunting with Pau (my previous rep, now a SME or subject matter expert) and Rhiza d tomboy (still my agent). I want to move to a cheaper place because I'm never home nowadays. I usually hang out at any of my agents' place or here at Ryan's. We were unlucky though. If it's a "no vacancy", it's "ladies only" and I don't like it - 'coz I can't afford to be in a place that would not allow my bf inside my room. That's just wrong, if you know what I mean. I'm getting desperate. It's been 3 months of putting it off and I really, really need to move out before the 31st so I need not pay for next month. I'll try again and if there's none by the 29th, then I guess I'll have wait until new year to move out. Sigh.
I'm still waiting for sleep to come and I found myself looking for baby videos again. I found this instead. She's now 7 years old - Connie Talbot. Same sweet voice but not as baby as she was first seen in Britain's Got Talent. She still gives me goosebumps when she sings. Here she is in her US Debut at the Ellen Degeneres Show with grown front teeth. Kyuuuuut!
Posted by
Monday, November 24, 2008
Labels: britain's got talent, connie talbot, cute, ellen degeneres, eperformax
Saturday, November 22, 2008
For now..
I've been trying to look for Soc's profile with hopes that I can download the other pictures of our Dalaguete trip. I finally found my way to her multiply page and no pictures (yet, I hope) but after reading some of her blogs, I think I can now look at her not as a coach and team partner but as a person. I love her for her sweet blog about the team. I loved it! Read it HERE.
The one you'll read below is also one of her blog entries. If I wasn't pre-occupied with my loss at that time, I would have written something like this. Although it may not be as beautiful..
losing my first love
this is a repost from my old blog, the original entry of the same title dated 12-22-05.
i couldn't remember the date when we first met. but the scenes are still very vivid in my mind .
you have been anticipating our arrival. yeah , my sister was with me that day , and we were to spend the whole summer in your place . i was excited and nervous at the same time because i heard a lot of things about you . then our eyes met, you had a good tan and they said its because of the long hours of swimming in the beach just a few meters away . the look in your face struck me , there was compassion , you seemed at lost for words , your eyes said so much that i cant even start to comprehend .
you were sitting beside the millstone and as i slowly inched my way to you, the serenity of your face was broken by the huge smile and you hugged me. yes you did . you hugged me real tight it hurts.
" im sorry this has to happen to you, don't worry , even if he left you , i will always be here . . ." and you cant go on , your voice was choked with tears , and maybe you forgot, but you were still hugging me and i almost cried , you havent realized your hugging me too tight it hurts ! i was almost out of air.
you're a man of medium build , they said you used to be very tall and strong until the last stroke you suffered . but it never mattered to me . i am convinced i am in love . i was 9 years old and i fell deeply in love with you . i told myself , even if i my father left us , its fine , i got you and i'm content .
i accompany you every sunday to church and everybody would glance our way , maybe because it's the first time they saw me , having been born and raised in the city.
we would hold each other's hand and i find it funny that i'm walking a little bit faster than you do .
i missed those days.
that year was especially difficult for all of us. for months you stayed in the hospital, but as usual you never lost your humor inspite of the pain and frustration you were going thru . it was painful to see you lie in bed the whole time and not see the clouds or feel the cool sea wind that you used to enjoy. you can't take pleasure in the seawater anymore and it really makes us all sad that you cant do the thing you've always loved to do - swimming, but we still had a grand time talking. you were a great storyteller. well, you've always been . and we all loved you for it.
and how can i forget? it was two years ago today when you finally said farewell to the world who had been so generous yet cruel to you . I couldn't forget how i cried when you were finally laid to rest knowing that i won't be able to see you for the rest of my life. Knowing the heavens would be wide open when you get there, is my only consolation . the world is just so unfortuante to lose you. and heaven is now more heavenly because you're there.
i just want to tell you how sorry i am for not being there with the rest of your grandchildren on this very special day .
i love you Lolo. you know how much i love you . i always will.
From my blogsite.. Friday, December 28, 2007
Yesterday was our family's mass for our Lolo who passed away a little over a year ago. It's called Hukas Lalaw, if my memory serves me right. I have the pictures on my camera and they're all candid. I might post them sometime soon. Everybody was sad and it's evident on the pictures but it was because we all miss him and wish he was there with us. To see us all happy and enjoying our youngest cousin's tantrums. I have a lot of fond memories of my Lolo and everything that I felt back then are all on my journal which I avoid reading. I cried my heart out back then and I'd cry basically anywhere. It still makes me cry to this day. That's why I have to end this now or I might embarass myself amidst these rugrats playing online games.
If not for the fact that I'm at Ryan's place, I'd probably curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep. But it's too embarrassing. I shed a tear and that's all. For now..
Posted by
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Labels: eperformax, multiply, team nebo
Friday, November 21, 2008
Embarrassing Me..
Here I am again in Ryan's computer room updating my online networking pages while waiting for him to come back home [his mom asked him to do something] and I decided to read my older blogs and I'm a little embarassed about some of the things I've said. I hated how confident I was about GR and how we can be fuckin' rock stars and eventually blogging about the closure of the company and how our homophobic/asshole/control-freak/bi-polar ex-boss ruined our once semi-organized lives. I still blog about non-sense things but I honestly think I was worse a few months back. Now that it's done, I realized my blogs about American Idol were really annoying. Ryan, you were right about temporarily removing me from your contact list, LOL. I would have done the same thing. New year is still over a month away but I firmly resolve [murag confession..] that I'll keep my worthless ideas to myself, hahahahaha! Maybe I was wrong about throwing away my journal and using it as a notebook for training. Oh, and one more thing.. I had sooo much petiks time back then to blog because there were times that I don't feel like being a rock star [sa mga kasabot lang..] Ü Ok, I'll stop now 'coz I feel I'm being non-sense again. One thing I can't stop doing though is sharing baby videos. Watch this cute baby..
Posted by
Friday, November 21, 2008
Labels: american idol, baby, blog entries, blogging, funny
Monday, November 17, 2008
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Monday, November 17, 2008
Labels: blog entries, blogging, friendster, multiply
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ka Kyuuut!!!
Do you remember Connie Talbot of Britain's Got Talent? Well, their american counterpart had one just like her. Equally cute and talented.. Meet, Kaitlyn Asley Maher. And she made me cry too.. =(
Posted by
Monday, November 10, 2008
Labels: america's got talent, britain's got talent, connie talbot, cute, kaitlyn asley maher
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tsk tsk tsk..
I was browsing thru my friends' profile in Friendster. Most of them are in the health care industry. My mom wanted me to be a doctor or even just a nurse. When I was younger, I wanted to. But when I got older, I think I can't stand looking at surgeries live. Just last week, I rushed one of my agents to the hospital. What I thought was a simple case of amoebiasis (I hope my spelling is right) turned out to be a bad case of a bleeding kidney. Since we were stationed so far away from the main door of the ops floor, it took awhile for the guard to locate me and I even laughed thinking he was floor-walking. He said my agent is stuck in the restroom and is crying. The janitress who heard her call from inside the restroom was quick to pass the distress call to operations. I found my agent locked in a cubicle, crying and shouting in pain. The new Ilonggo nurse immediately arranged the van, the health provider and all that's needed to confine the agent. I was fine until I came back in the office and realized my trauma of going to the emergency room hit me. I felt all energy abandon my body and they said I was "luspad". Thoughts of the doctor and nurses trying to revive my Lolo about 4 years ago flashed before me.
It's now past 12noon.. I took a bath and now I'm hungry. He's taking a bath. We're both sleepy. I'm debating with myself whether I'd delete or publish this. You're crazy if you're still reading. I'm playing with the keyboard. I can type 55 words per minute without looking at the keyboard according to one online speed typing test site. He's back and he's reading while scratching his butt. I gotta go. This is so non-sense. Why are you still reading?Ü
Posted by
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Labels: friendster, hospital, nurse, nursing
Monday, October 6, 2008
Missing TLC..

Casuy's father passed away and it was a gloomy day for my high school barkada. More than that, it was so sad that I wasn't able to go home to pay my last respect to Tito who's one of the coolest dad in our batch. He's always the one offering me cigarettes and beer knowing I'm the only girl in the group who's very open with my bisyo.. Casuy was a good friend since grade school. He was my debut's escort. My manong. My drinking partner. And the same guy who sent me money to spend for one of my vacation back home and the one who took care of me when I was jobless for a month. It sucks that he came home from the States, albeit to bury his dad, and I wasn't there. The pictures they posted was supposedly to cheer me up but it makes me want to kill myself. No more cake and food tripping with them. No more videoke and drinking sessions. Ever since I made myself a life here in Cebu, it seems I've distanced myself from the group. I'm so depressed right now that I want to kill them all! How I wish I could just go on leave and have the money to go home in a heartbeat.. I'll just sleep so I could stop crying..
Posted by
Monday, October 06, 2008
Labels: bacolod
Monday, September 22, 2008
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bacolod, Masskara and Karina..

October's almost here. It's Masskara again and for the nth time, I'll miss it! The street dancing and watching it outside my lola's house. The night-outs and squeezing in the crowded plaza and reclamation area. The funny looking masks. The chicken inasal at Manokan Country with the yellow oil we pour over rice. The cansi and nila^ga^. Tikboy's chicken barbeque and grilled bread. Papa's pagi and fresh-brewed coffee every morning. And my lola's valenciana! Everything! To make it worse, Karina Antoinette Francesca Valderrama is coming home and I can't be there. Buang ka Krns!!! Hahahahahaha! You should have notified me 2 months prior 'coz leave allocation in the call center industry is as scarce as rice in the Philippines! Yudiputa! I wish I never left Bacolod and never fell in-love with Cebu and Sinulog and Ryan and the friends I made here! Diputa!!! Bwiseeeeeeeeeet!!!
Posted by
Friday, September 19, 2008
Labels: bacolod, masskara festival, philippines
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Don't Read This.. It's Boring and I'm Just Ranting..
It's been a few days without cigs. It's rainy days like today that I regret having promised him I'd quit. I think I'll drug his sister, cousin and grandma so I can sneak out and smoke.. They've been given strict instructions to look after me while he's at work. I used to hide my sticks in my kikay kit, 'coz that's one place he doesn't look into. But his sister does. I know.. it sucks! If you ask me, I'm not sure if this is for good. Nobody stops me at work and temptation is everywhere..
Posted by
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Labels: boring, cigarettes, quit smoking
Monday, September 1, 2008
Damn Boring!
So this is what it feels like to stay at home all day long waiting for your partner to come home. Damn boring! After sitting in front of the pc for 3 straight hours, watching non-sense youtube videos, I realized I'll never be like my mom. I will never be domesticated by a man! I feel stupid sitting here waiting for him to come home at around 2pm, holding and smelling the shirt he wore last night. I'm never the person who would be excited to go to work but I'm now wishing I could pull the time so I can go back to my pad and live my normal life. For the past 6 months, I've been spending my rest days here at his house 'coz he knows I'm embarassed to smoke with his family around the house. My team thinks I'm a kj 'coz I'd always refuse if they make plans to "kuray". One time I told them, "if you have met me 2-3 years ago, you wouldn't say that.." I've been trying to stay at home or be with him as often as I can 'coz I'D REALLY LOVE TO BREAK OFF WITH MARLBORO!
I've been caught smoking more than once since February (my original deadline) and I've charmed my way out of confrontation all the time. The last one was a li'l scary. He's very convinced I haven't had a stick for the last 2 weeks. I had a fever coupled with a phlegm-y cough ('til now) and he was certain it was part of the "withdrawal" when it was really because of stress. Then me, the ogob ng ganda forgot that he has a dupe of my key, failed to tuck away the ashtray full of butts at the back of the TV where I've proven he wouldn't see, got caught for the nth time. He was so upset and I think that if I get caught one more time, he'd leave me. So I swore - again - that I'll quit and I said I'm sorry and he said okay.
I'm giving myself a pat on the back for being able to fight my cravings for the last 4 days and 3 nights! So there.. The smoking, I can handle.. The staying at home part (there are plans already about "the future" but I still don't want to share it - puera jinx! lol) .. that I still have to think about..
Posted by
Monday, September 01, 2008
Labels: cigarettes, marlboro, quit smoking
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Silver Belle..
This was supposed to be posted Sunday night --> Come wednesday, I'll be a silver belle. I can't help but wonder where I'll be 25 more years from now. My bf said I'd probably be six feet below the ground if I don't quit smoking soon.. I told him I've quit a long time ago but I still get caught once in a while (quitting is easier said than done). Someday...... someday I will. It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and I haven't slept since I came home from work at 12 noon. I found Ryan sleeping in my bed and it felt good, hehehehe. A few hours after, he successfully tried to stop me from giving the waitress from Shakey's a tongue-lashing. Apparently, preparing their grand slam pizza takes more than 25 minutes. Now here I am sitting in front of the laptop with an 18 inch italian sausage pizza and a glass of ice-cold coke, secretly hoping he's serious about a bad stomach so I can have a much needed cigarette break.
I wasn't able to finish the entry. I was too sleepy to chew and swallow my pizza much more to think about what to blog. Last night was his sister's birthday. Lyn2x and I went one-on-one with Emperador and after about 3 hours, we both sang our way to the room. Now, I still don't know what to blog about. I just wanted to say, F*CK YOU BIG BROTHER! I TERRIBLY MISS P.P.I. (party people international for those who are curious) AND IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR SICK AND PUNY MIND, I'D BE HAPPIER! I MISS YOU DODONG FAITH AND RYAN AND GWEN AND THEA AND GENIE AND SERGS (even if I know you're still mad at me because of somebody who I mistakenly trusted) AND VAN AND PEARL AND MARK AND GLENN AND DICKIE.. EVERYBODY! EVEN THE LITTLE GIRL IN ZERAUS!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Anyway......... Hey, have you seen this video? I think it's cute. Me like it! And have you seen the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony. Amazing fireworks!!! That's all! hehehehe.
Posted by
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Labels: birthday, global response
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Just wanna share this cute video. I know a number of hand tricks but i don't think I can do this.
Posted by
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Labels: better, faster, finger dance, harder, stronger
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Must See: Believe you can shine!
I intended to blog about something serious like the fact that I had another false alarm after suspecting that I was 2 months on the family way and how I've been doing with my new job. Then my bf showed me this video...
Posted by
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Labels: funny, gay, pantene commercial
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What Happened?
Somebody asked me what happened why I haven't posted a blog for a long time. Simple, my current job is not as relaxed as my previous job as a rock star (this is supposed to be sarcastic). Well, at least for now. I'm still in the product knowledge stage.. hands on. So yes, I'm still taking calls. But it wouldn't be for long. Probably 2 more weeks and I'll be sitting along with other managers for another training.
I didn't have the time to blog about the recent movies I've seen. The only free time I have is spent either drinking with new officemates or an afternoon ohhlala with my boyfriend. The weekly lagaw with Talia is a given. A week wouldn't be complete without cigarettes and corn.. and coffee.. and coke (the soda).. It's been awhile as well since I've spent my rest days here at my BF's house. Since I always wake up before everyone else, I can use the PC to my heart's content. So here I am, blogging.
I've read Bej's blog and I realized.. SHIT! I've been living on my own for the last 4 years (almost.. I came here July 10, 2004) and it's been that long since I asked for money from my parents. It's about the same time since I started supporting my sibling's education. I'm not gonna be modest but sending 2 high school student in a private institution known for being La Collecta Cuarta is not easy. Sad thing is, I still don't have any savings. My BF suggested a joint savings account. I freaked out. Don't you think that's a little serious?! But I said I'll think about it. Having someone force you to save is sometimes what you need to get started.
I saw this video a few weeks back and I think it's a shame not to share this. Enjoy while I enjoy a nice cup of hot coffee on a rainy Friday morning..
Posted by
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
After The Long Wait...
Finally Sex and the City came to an end.. I wish I could have more time to review the movie but my shift starts in a few minutes. I was crying for the most part of the movie like I was when I watched season 1-7 in one sitting. My fave scene is definitely Big's hurrying back to the library and Carrie hitting him with flowers and the powerful "NO" from Charlotte. My heart just stopped beating. The scene was so strong that I would have replayed it over and over again if I had the power to. Unfortunately, YouTube still doesn't have that part and I don't want to spoil it totally for those who haven't seen it yet. It was very emotional and I still can't get over it.
Their dresses are really nice. I can't remember a dress without a belt. I'm not a big fan of signature brands but they really had cool stuffs! The shoes were nice eventhough I don't appreciate anything with heels. The bags.. I love them! The colors are wonderful.
Some of things I wish I'd seen would be the part where we get to see their families. No mom or dad on either first or 2nd wedding.. OOOPPPSSS! I'll stop now.
I watched Caregiver too. What the heck! Hahahaha! It was nice though. It had a happy ending but not the usual Filipino ending I expected. Great acting by the way. Well, gotta go now.
Posted by
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Labels: sex and the city
Monday, May 26, 2008
Rock Stars!
Posted by
Monday, May 26, 2008
Labels: david archuleta, david cook
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The New AI.. DAVID!
Simon did it again. He apologized once before to Katharine McPhee after his negative performance on her I Have Nothing. He apologized to David Cook for being rude to him last night. Nice..Ü
Carly and Michael Johns' performance earlier was amazing! Most of them were lucky enough to be able to sing with top artists like Seal, George Michael and Donna Summer. I thought Amanda was a bore. She looked like she wasn't happy about being part of the finale show. I thought the whole show was a blast. And Carrie Underwood definitely stole the show. She was fantastic! Gotta go, last day of training then we're off to nesting.Ü
Posted by
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, david archuleta
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Another 9 hours of training. I can't wait to get over with it and go straight to the real work. I wonder what my former GR officemates are doing now. I know one had started working already. Well, I can only hope all is fine with them too. I miss them sooo much. =(
Posted by
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, david archuleta
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Poor David..
The show's action was first reported Friday by the online Web site TMZ.
David Archuleta of Murray, Utah, is one of three contestants left as the top-rated Fox show heads toward the May 20-21 finale. The fresh-faced teenager with the big voice has consistently been deemed a front-runner by the judges and been a consistent fan favorite.
Jeff Archuleta's intense backstage involvement had become a source of concern for the series, the person connected with "American Idol" said — but it was a lyric change on Tuesday's show that pushed producers to act.
Despite a warning, Jeff Archuleta insisted on altering "Stand by Me," one of two songs his son sang on the show Tuesday. By adding a verse from Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girls," the father incurred additional costs for "American Idol," the person said.
Fox declined comment. Attempts to reach Jeff Archuleta for comment were unsuccessful. A phone number listed under his name in Murray, Utah, was no longer in service, and Fox did not immediately respond to a request Friday evening for help in contacting the family.
Earlier Friday, David Archuleta was honored at a hometown celebration held at his high school in Murray, during which Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman declared "David Archuleta Day."
The singer and his family declined to be interviewed at the event, but David Archuleta did speak with the Salt Lake City Fox affiliate, KSTU-TV. "Wow," he exclaimed as he viewed the cheerleading squad outside his stretch limousine.
The other finalists left in competition for the "Idol" title and a record contract are David Cook and Syesha Mercado. Cook, a native of suburban Blue Springs, Mo., had his own homecoming celebration Friday in Kansas City, while Mercado was feted Bradenton, Fla.
Posted by
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, david archuleta
Posted by
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Dread No More!
Information overload. That has always been the case with me whenever I go on training. Three days into product specific and I'm about to throw up. The only good thing is now I understand why no matter how religiously I pay off my credit cards, the balance seems to stay almost the same. Fuckin' fees and how the payment is distributed on it first instead of the balance. No wonder the financial industry is booming. Sigh. I have to get rid of them ASAP!
Posted by
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, credit cards
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
So Close..
Four left and one to go tomorrow. I'm so happy David Archuleta beat all of 'em tonight when I thought David Cook will rule this week since it's rock and roll. Jason has to go! He's getting boring each week. I loved li'l David's Stand By Me!!!
Posted by
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Saturday, May 3, 2008
At long last, I finally had the time to sit and blog - but I can't think of anything to blog about. Last Thursday was posted during lunch and I finished it in 3 minutes. I survived the first week of training with the dropping of jaws and stretching of the lips. Good thing I passed and accelerated to the next part of training, along with almost half the class, woohooo! A lot of new faces and some old. About half the class too came from PS, LOL. One of them I used to hate a lot but now I love hanging out with. The last 2 days of training always ended with food and beer. Here are some of the pictures.
I can't think of anything else to share except suggest that you search poohquiao in YouTube and laugh your ass off like what I've been doing the last couple of days or watch the crazy Peanut by the hottie Jeff Dunham. There's a new video of Achmed too! In case you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, go ahead and watch Achmed, The Dead Terrorist first and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Posted by
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Labels: achmed the dead terrorist, eperformax, jeff dunham, peoplesupport, poohquiao
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Bye Bye Brooke! =(
Posted by
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Friday, April 25, 2008
After almost a month of applying and comparing offers, I've finally got the company and position that I wanted.. including the compensation, of course. Throughout this whole experience, I learned what Chris Gardner must have felt when he lost everything. A couple of days ago, I said I was gonna give up my room and temporarily live at Talia's house - for free! Embarassing but I was willing to swallow my pride. As they say, kapit sa patalim. After signing the offer, I felt an overwhelming relief and I'm now very excited to start training on Monday as a QA Analyst. Ryan and Faith both got offers too, so that's a triple YEY!
Posted by
Friday, April 25, 2008
Labels: chris gardner, pursuit of happyness
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just this afternoon, I finally had the guts to watch the controversial rectum surgery scandal video in YouTube. DISGUSTING! I'm not really sure what actions were taken but I hope those doctors be suspended or something. Regardless of why the canister was there, they shouldn't have video taped it for fun, worse reproduced and broadcasted. Now the world is laughing at us. Ugh!
Posted by
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, surgery scandal, youtube
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Will It Be Jason or Brooke?
Posted by
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Monday, April 21, 2008
I Miss You, PPI!!!
Our previous company was very unconventional. We go thru each day thinking tomorrow we won't have any company to go back to.. Like each day was our last. It was like being The Apprentice / Housemates of Big Brother. Each week, we were given tasks/challenges to test how serious we were with the job and to know how dedicated we were. Even before we started working, we were already given a test. We were asked if we were willing to relocate to Bacolod [back to Bacolod, I mean] and despite everything that worries me about coming home, I said yes and so as the others. I slowly said goodbye to my friends here in Cebu and my family was happy that I was coming back. Next morning, I got a text message saying I passed the test and those who said they weren't willing to relocate were subtly fired. There were nights that we had to leave work and travel all the way from Gorordo to Talamban only to be welcomed with vodka, tequilla, beer and chips. If you think it was all fun, you're wrong. Those who were too drunk and got crazy were let go. One wrong move and you're out. We get "fuck you!" and "you're stupid!" at times but it was on to the left ear and off to the right. Someone once said it was all MIND GAMES and we couldn't agree more. I could go on with all the insane tests we got thru. How we survived countless eviction days/nights but you might just think I'm making it up.
We believed in each other. We laughed and cried together. We planned our future together. We comforted each other. Gained weight together, LOL! Sang Last Night, I Love You Brother and Will You Count Me In together.. Yes, it was short-lived but I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. I'm not angry, maybe a li'l.. and I'm not blogging about this because I want to make a point. I'm talking about this because I miss the team.. A LOT! PPI [Party People International.. or President's Plan Incorporated] will always have a place in my heart.. Awwwwww..
Posted by
Monday, April 21, 2008
Labels: global response
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Coolest 2-Year Old!
Since I joined the unemployed population of the Philippines almost a month ago, I've been basically everywhere. Today's the 4th day that I've been staying over at my bf's house. He wanted me to stay here and enjoy his siblings, cousin and grandmama's company [he leaves for work at 6am and comes home at about 6pm] 'coz I've been joking a lot about wanting to commit suicide, hehehehe. This is the longest time that I've been without a job and it's getting on my nerves. Two more weeks of being jobless and I'll be a beggar. If he didn't offer to help me with my rent, I'd probably be packing my way back to Bacolod. BUT, things are looking good with 2 final interviews scheduled for next week. I'm about 75% sure I'd get a job offer before weekend.
This part is not for all. Only those involved will understand so don't PM me to fish out info, wahahahahaha. This is a message for somebody who was responsible for the misery of about 10 people. I don't know what your problem is but you've fuckin' hurt a lot of people already. You always turn the table around and think you're the victim when in fact you're always the one in control. I have accepted the fact that we could never go far with our relationship that's why I was still happy when I walked away. It was hard but I've managed and has moved on. I was fine until I learned yesterday about what you did to the rest of the guys. I'm not mad at you because of what happened to us. I'm fuckin' mad at you because of what you did to my friends! Hope you read my YM status message: If thoughts could kill, hell is probably organizing a welcome party for you by now!
Anywaaaaaaaaay, the internet connection here is pretty good and I've been randomly watching YouTube videos hoping I'd find something cool. I did. This is sooo amazing! Check out this uber cool 2-year old skateboarder!
Posted by
Friday, April 18, 2008
Labels: baby, skateboarding, youtube
Thursday, April 17, 2008
God Bless America!!!

Finally!!! She's down! The nerve of that bitch to cry as if she doesn't deserve to be voted out. Now, we don't have to tolerate mediocrity on the performances.. Not that there won't be bad performances anymore but at least, the contestants left are worth watching. I'm just overwhelmed that she's out! Weepee!!! And it was touching to see Brooke defend the bitch. She's really a sweetie. David Archuleta looked very cute when he sat on the floor. And David Cook was even adorable when he sat next to my langga. Aaawwww..
Posted by
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Goosebumps My Ass!
Goosebumps?! WTF was Mariah Carey thinking when she made Kristy Lee feel like she owned the song?! She might have sang that song better than the other songs she murdered but the sight of her annoys the hell out of me! After tonight's performance, looks like Carly, Syesha or Brooke's goin' home - if VoteForTheWorst continues to support that bitch. I hope not. They're waaay better that her. Like travelling barefoot from Cebu to Bacolod. David Cook was amazing! OMG, I wanna melt hearing him belt out a half mellow, half upbeat song. I got like 10 text messages telling me they're in-love with him. Talia texted me, "It's official, David Cook and I are getting married. You're one of the bridesmaids.." However, my heart will always belong to David Archuleta. I almost cried when I missed his performance on the replay. Thank you YouTube!!!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, mariah carey, youtube
Saturday, April 12, 2008
BaGAY Ta?!
To all of you who treat gays like trash, here's what I have to say to you and to borrow 22nd Street's joke [and I'll make it wholesome, hehehehe].. BAKLA NGA CLA PRO MALAY MO, NAGAMIT NA CLA NG TATAY MO!!!
Posted by
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
F*ck You Kristy Lee!

Posted by
Friday, April 11, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Fool's Gold Meets The Spartans
Some parts were really funny, but others are a little bit exaggerated. Kinda like the Date Movie. The Paula Abdul impersonator was hilarious! And the Spartan greeting was sooo funny! If you're bored, then this is a good film to watch.
Fool's Gold
I think this was a li'l similar to Into The Blue but it was nice nevertheless. Matthew McConaughey was uber hot. Gosh, that body!
David Archuleta rocked tonight with his soulful rendition of Angels by Robbie Williams. I love him!!!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, date movie, fool's gold, into the blue, meet the spartans