Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Anxiety Attack

It's 03:30am. At 6am I'll have the manager's certification which our company calls TIER/IETR. T for Teach, I for Interact, E for Evaluate and R for Review. I'm confident I can do it but I still have a few things that I'm nervous about. I've heard a lot of manager's on the floor have cried because of brat and kulit trainers who'd really give you a hard time. I feel like taking a dump and I want to go to the restroom to throw up and I want to pee every 5 minutes. I think I'm halfway thru one pack of Marlboro. I've read the material at least a hundred times and I'm still nervous. Same feeling when I had my thesis defense.. when we faced our previous CEO for a meeting.. same feeling when I was waiting for the confirmation of a closed deal. Aaarrrggghhh! I can do this! Hahahahahaha!

I'm supposed to do side-by-side evaluations today but I'll wait until I'm done with my certification. I left Coach Soc to take care of the team while I deal with my cold feet. I wonder now how the team is doing with QA Clau not around, hehehehe. Modesty aside, they call me for everything. Be it an escalation, a question or they just wanted to talk while waiting for the next call. Geez, I don't like this feeling. I wish I can pull the time so I can get this over and done with.

Tomorrow would be a day of celebration. Pau and Gen's birthday celebration and hopefully my certification.. I still have to drop by the place I heard have rooms for rent before I go to Ayala to buy my contribution to the party. I know we'll have a blast later. Earlier, me and my agents met up for some eating and shopping at SM and I brought along Ryan's sister 'coz I know she's bored as hell at their house while waiting for her papers to be processed so she can fulfill her dream of working abroad as a nurse. Too bad Ryan came too early so I had to leave them. Guys, wait for the pix.. I forgot to upload it earlier. I wasn't even able to sleep well because of this darn certification. I gotta go. I need more cigs! Wish me luck!

--> It's now 07:30am. It's over. I was certified with good feedback.Ü Me happy!

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