Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Goosebumps My Ass!

Goosebumps?! WTF was Mariah Carey thinking when she made Kristy Lee feel like she owned the song?! She might have sang that song better than the other songs she murdered but the sight of her annoys the hell out of me! After tonight's performance, looks like Carly, Syesha or Brooke's goin' home - if VoteForTheWorst continues to support that bitch. I hope not. They're waaay better that her. Like travelling barefoot from Cebu to Bacolod. David Cook was amazing! OMG, I wanna melt hearing him belt out a half mellow, half upbeat song. I got like 10 text messages telling me they're in-love with him. Talia texted me, "It's official, David Cook and I are getting married. You're one of the bridesmaids.." However, my heart will always belong to David Archuleta. I almost cried when I missed his performance on the replay. Thank you YouTube!!!

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