Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Take It Back

Okay, I was so emotional yesterday but I'm over it and I take back whatever I said. That someone did something that made me re-think and I'm glad I didn't do anything really drastic otherwise, I'd be home alone wallowing in regret. It's true what other people say that decisions often end up wrong when you do it while you're mad and I'm just glad I came to my senses. Anyway, the last two days were spent at our CEO's house in Silver Hills for training/planning/strategizing of goals for 2008. I'll be busy the whole day today, I came by the office to copy all my files to my V-Phone so I can still work while I'm in Bacolod. I'll be shopping for my manita, props and prizes for our games at around 10am with Ryan [the officemate] and Faith. I'll be leaving in awhile to pack my things and get a few hours of sleep. The party kicks off at around 5pm. Gwenk and I will be leaving at around 2:30am. I can't wait to see my family. I spoke with my younger brother the other day and I was surprised to know he's already 5'6 and he's only 15! Plus I'll see my crazy 3-year old cousin Cybill. I'm sure my cam and phone will be loaded with pictures and videos of her antics. I gotta go, some people are already practicing for their presentation tomorrow and I wanna take some snaps.


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