Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Rollercoaster Ride

I have learned a lot the last few days. My boss said it was a rollercoaster ride but he's right too when he said it was one, if not the best week of our lives. His experiences and the things he learned which, he generously shared with us made me realize that the only reason why we complain a lot about the negative things that happens to us is because we choose to be victims. I realized that we might not have control over unfortunate events but we can control the things we can do to get rid of it. I can go on but what he taught us for a few days would probably take a professional author months to put into writing.

I always say that I'm very liberated but I've never realized how much more I can be if not for the constant embarassment I get from, let's call him Big Brother, hehehehe. I swear I've never thought of it as an insult. He made me stronger each time and I think everybody who has worked with him can agree to it. Sad thing, others take it the wrong way. Blame it on the Filipino mentality. So much more to say. Bottomline is, it's so amazing how he touched my life and how much influence he had on the way I look at life, specifically as a Filipino. The mindset had been changed 98%. Now I have to work on the action. We'll see in the next few months.

Last night, we didn't work and instead we had our second fellowship night here in Cebu at Big Brother's house in Silver Hills. Music, yummy viands, sodas, a valley of junk foods, two bottles of tequilla, two vodka and unlimitted beer in cans sure made the night fun but it would have been doubly fun if they had successfully thrown Ryan in the pool. Instead, they tore off his new P300 worth jeans while trying, LOL. Pictures will be uploaded later on. Good thing we have one professional photographer in the group, hehehehe.

12.04 ---> Here's the LINK TO THE PICTURES.

I went to my bestie's house earlier, tambay. Ugh! He's now averaging 1 minute and 30 seconds in solving the Rubik's Cube [timer starts even before he can think of his moves!] while I can't even do it in an hour. Someday. Or maybe I have to buy one for myself so I can beat his ass. Gotta go now, time to work - overtime. Later!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! buang! they can never throw me in the pool. but you are so right. i never felt more inspired by an employer. cheers to us!