Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Suicide Inducing Moments

Two of my officemates and I met for coffee earlier. Nobody wants to open the office alone anymore because of all the creepy things we see and hear in this building lately. There's the little girl roaming around, the clickings, the hovering/passing shadows and the footsteps. As I've said, I'm not superstitious but I've seen, felt and heard enough to convince myself that it's not just all in the mind. [I dunno if I've mentioned in any of my past blog entries the little boy in my room. He's harmless and I'd like to think we're friends so I'll leave him out of this.] I once heard a dog barking at our rooftop and I shrugged it off thinking Zeus [the company's big black baby rottweiler] was back. A little later, I heard footsteps and thought it was the building caretaker who was assigned to take care of him. Then I found out Zeus was still at the clinic and Manong wasn't around. Our office janitor saw the little girl standing beside one of our plants and he had to permanently move the pot. Standing there and showing herself was probably her way of telling us that it was her personal space. I heard the giggle of the little girl too. I would have thought of it as absurd if not for the fact that 1.] it's 3 in the morning; 2.] we're on the 3rd floor of a commercial building; and 3.] all four of us who were smoking by the stairs heard it. Joe saw a man's shadow earlier. He bent to unlock the main door but the shadow which he thought was his, didn't move. I really think this place is haunted and they say the "supernaturals" that resides here are territorial. I've been working graveyard for the last 3 years and I'm used to lack of sleep [I sometimes go to work after drinking all day] - I rarely get sick. At most twice in a year. Since we moved here, I've been sick at least once a month and so are my officemates. When one is sick, expect the rest to follow. We used to play and do blending when we cough. We had to skip work for a day to have this place disinfected and we already had this blessed but nothing has changed. Each of us has had an encounter. It's nice to look forward to our boss' plan to buy a new building somewhere in Mabolo come April or May next year. Sigh. Enough of the superstitions.

Our topic earlier was about embarassing moments. So embarassing that you cringe at the thought of it and you just want the floor to swallow you whole. Joe called it suicide inducing moments and I had to agree. I wanna slash my wrist when I think about the time when I got too drunk at my college bestie's house with his mom watching. That was when they started singing Luka when I'm around - my name is Luka, I puked on the second floor.. I've had a lot and I just laugh it off now. I don't wanna think about it anymore. Maybe once in awhile to amuse others.

Back at my old station by the window. Woohoo! Gotta finish my set-up first.


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