Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Enough Is Enough

When do you say enough is enough when it comes to sex? My bestie and I were channel browsing earlier and our attention was caught by a feature in National Geographic about wildlife mating. We laughed at how stupid an australian marsupial is for having non-stop sex for about three weeks [nest-to-nest and I can't remember hearing the narrator say they'd stop to eat] and eventually dying of exhaustion. Sex when I was 19 is a lot different than now. I think the excitement of finally doing it is one of the top reasons why nowadays, pre-marital sex is as cheap as a piece of fishball. Again, when do you say enough is enough? If you ask me I'd say, fast forward to five years from my first time.. I think orgasm was irrelevant back then as I was more on really doing it and finally having experiences to tell my friends.. not to mention the fact that my ex was just as lazy as Garfield. I should have said enough is enough a couple of months into the relationship. Now that I know what making love really means and how good it feels.. and I'm doing it with someone I like love.. too much is never enough. Unless I have to work a few hours after and I need to get some sleep. Yawn.


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