Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Healthy Living

I wonder what my mom would say if she knows I'm not eating the food she would likely prepare for me if I'm still living with them.. She knows I smoke. I was forced to confess almost two years ago when I went home for a few days of vacation. I woke up and my dad handed me a cup of hot, fresh-brewed coffee. I thought it'd be stupid to have coffee in the restroom so I sat at the garden, fidgeting. Papa asked me what's wrong and I almost whispered with puppy eyes, "can I smoke?".. he looked at me surprised and said, "you smoke?" - I nodded. He stared at me for a minute and finally said, "go ahead, you're old enough and it's your money anyway.." Whew! I was also able to convince him to allow my brother to smoke openly since they already know he secretly does, usually after dinner at our friend's house on the other block. Everytime I'd be home, Mama would complain about the smell of cigarette and I try as much as possible to smoke outside but sometimes I can't help it, especially if I'm watching TV. Anyway, my parents, uncles and aunts are all excellent cooks. I dunno if being Ilonggo have something to do with it but I miss their cooking [I came here early 'coz Ryan brought food. His mom is Ilonggo, hehehehe.]. Since I moved here in Cebu, I have to be contented with ready-to-cook or fast foods. It's pretty amazing that I'm still healthy [if you know what I mean]. I lost weight two years ago and my Lola asked me if I was into drugs. Uhhh - I tried in college. I guess I was still adjusting to the food here in Cebu. Whenever I'd go home and I gain weight, they'd tell me I'm not controlling my food intake. I honestly dunno what to do. I'd like to think I neither lost nor gained weight since my February vacation. I'll find out because for the first time in 3 years, I'll be home for Christmas and New Year. I'll be leaving come December 22 and be back January 2 with the Bacolod peeps here in the office. It sucks 'coz the ticket is so expensive. Ugh. But it's better than taking a standing room, non-aircon bus like the one I took two years ago. I had to pretend I'm pregnant and suffer 6 hours of not smoking to make my alibi more convincing just so I can sit. I have to stop. I think I'm talking non-sense.

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