Friday, December 28, 2007

Lord, Give Me Patience.. NOW!!!

I did say I was going to upload the christmas party pictures about three days ago. I was pre-occupied with family affairs that's why my mailbox has about 500 unread messages. I hardly have the time to read even just a few pages of Ryan's [the officemate] gift, The Catcher In The Rye. Add to it the lack of internet cafe's here in Bacolod that has at least 1MB connection. Dammit! I was quite happy a few minutes ago with this one but Mozilla crashed and everything froze for a good five minutes. And they don't have a mic. I received a voicemail and I have to do a callback. And it's sooo fuckin' hot! Aaarrrggghhh!!! Oh Lord, give me patience.. NOW!!!

Well at least now I see the progress bar moving. Uploading of pictures in the office takes only about ten minutes, the most. As of this writing, I still have about 99 minutes left. Sigh.

Anyway, my vacation has been quite okay if not for the fact that my savings account is running low. I wonder what I'd do when I get back to Cebu. I still have to do some shopping for New Year and I still haven't found a gift for Ryan [the bestie]. And my fuckin' camera is busted!!!!!!!!!!!! I woke up a couple of days ago and the flash.. well, it doesn't flash anymore. I thought it was the batteries and I had them replaced, nada. I did a re-format thinking that might do the trick but all I got was an empty memory card. I lost everything including the video of the fireworks competition that I would have proudly posted with a "Bacolod's Pride" title. I thought they would be protected 'coz I did lock the files. Good thing it has a one-year warranty and I was able to back-up the christmas party pictures on my USB. I was right when I saved it there and muttered to my sister, better safe than sorry.

Yesterday was our family's mass for our Lolo who passed away a little over a year ago. It's called Hukas Lalaw, if my memory serves me right. I have the pictures on my camera and they're all candid. I might post them sometime soon. Everybody was sad and it's evident on the pictures but it was because we all miss him and wish he was there with us. To see us all happy and enjoying our youngest cousin's tantrums. I have a lot of fond memories of my Lolo and everything that I felt back then are all on my journal which I avoid reading. I cried my heart out back then and I'd cry basically anywhere. It still makes me cry to this day. That's why I have to end this now or I might embarass myself amidst these rugrats playing online games.

Speaking of my cousin, Cybill.. I've spent the last few days taking pictures and videos of her singing her favorite song "how can something so wrong, peel so never la long, catch me, i'm polling por yyyooouuu".. it's that song over and over and over again. It has been my LSS for the last 3 days too.

I'm waiting for my college friends' call 'coz we're meeting for dinner/coffee. I've given time to my high school friends already and we watched Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo [which was good, by the way] and we'll be partying tomorrow night. I reckon I have to find time for everybody 'coz next year will be busy as Santa's toy factory. I know I'm blabbing like a lunatic so I'll stop. Sixty eight more minutes and I'll be out of this hell. Later!

---> FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! IE crashed too! Now I have to start from scratch!!!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! If this isn't done by the time they call me, GR guys.. you have to wait 'til I get my hands on my office PC 'coz I'm so pissed off right now that I want to punch this crazy bitch beside me who had been flirting with an american dude via webcam for the last 20 minutes. Dammit!!!

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