Wednesday, February 6, 2008


American Idol Season 7 audition went to Atlanta, GA. I wish I had that video where the girl sang How Do I Live in memory of her dad who passed away two days before that audition. It was very emotional that Paula Abdul had to walk away for awhile. All I have is this video. Hilarious!

Gwenk gave me this ad and let me help you out bro. It's an ad anyway so it should be available to all. I just can't help but ask, seriously?! Anyway, here it is.

They call it forbidden love.. and i call it ... special love...


Im looking for serios relationship ( M2M)

About Me:

A natural human being shall i say hehe. Well I live my life in a way that I can. I mingle with people and show kindness in a way that I can. I dont know whats the good and bad in me. Its just people arround me are my mirrors on how I deal with the world. Sometimes Im matured and sometimes I act like a kid.

We cant please everybody. Some may like you and some may hate you. I dont care about them because as long as I dont have any bad intention. Sometimes other people expect too much from me that it reach to the point that they think Im like a robot who can deal all things perfectly. Im just human and i also commit mistakes. Lots and all kinds of mistakes, big and small.

I love watching stars at night. While watching i listen to classic love songs. Then my mind fly and dreams on many things. Wishing there will be someone sitting beside me. Someone who will hold my hand in case I lost my balance. Someone who will put a blanket in my body in case i sleep suddenly. Someone who will watch sun set together with me.

Someone who will love and accept me for what I am. Someone who will love me not just bec of my positive and nice attitude but also love me even though i have some negative attitude too. I am not perfect person. For me true love is a full acceptance of that certain person. Love that person in every piece of his/her life. True love is like being responsible on words you promised and dreams you have to make it true.

Many people say Love is complicated. Actually no, Love is not complicated bec. Love is Simple and Beautiful. Its just we humans who make it complicated. Love is a gift by God. No matter what gender you had as long as you know how to use your heart... then ... be happy bec. you know how to Love.

Who I Want to Meet:

Wither you are 50 years old or 80 years old..its doesnt matter. Maybe other people hate that age then its called conditional love and i am not into that. I am more on Unconditional love that accepts the whole person. Accepting the whole package and if you want changes.. then the two of you can talk in order Love to grow deeper.

Love is not about your physical or your status. Love is all about two hearts who beats for one another. Love is the most powerful force human cant resist. And im proud to say that Im Human and I know how to Love



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