Friday, February 22, 2008


23-Feb-2008 8:56 am
Miss u Ging! Luv u..Papa

I wish I could tell y'all what happened between me and my Papa. We had more arguements than lovey-dovey moments since my age of reason. We have different takes on anything. Our simple debate about politics (he used to pull me aside to check on my social awareness chuva) would end up in a heated arguement and a few days of silent treatment. It had always been him who would cry and apologize. Yeah, I'm a bad-ass. But he taught me to be tough when I know I'm right. There was even a time that I bravely said to his face, "Just because you're the father doesn't mean you're always right!" In college, I went to Boracay twice against his will. The second one was with seven guys.. no adults. But the brat in me would always say, "Pa, I never disappoint you with my grades so what's wrong with partying?" Eversince, he rarely complained about me coming home from school at 9pm, getting dolled up by 10, leaving with the guys at 11 and coming home drunk and puking by our gate at 5am. Fast forward after his retirement, he lost all his savings over a still unknown investment that went into bankruptcy. I love the fact that I support my two younger siblings' education (private school sucks! hehehehe..Ü) but there are times when I abhor not being able to buy what my heart desires. There are times when I snap and blame him for the loss of the luxurious life he made us used to. I apologize each time but during the peak of our family crisis, he did something and I said something and everything was black and gray. Most of my friends would often ask me how I can bear not going home to Bacolod as often as I can and I just tell them
kapoy. Two reasons.. One, I'd rather send them the money and two, I don't want to see Papa. Last December, I had to go home for my grandpapa's 1st death anniversary. Papa and I didn't say anything to each other. We just hugged and he asked me to come to the dining 'coz he cooked my fave bakaretas.

He rarely text me with the assurance that he will get over his depression soon and a reminder of how much he miss and love me so when he does, I can't help but cry. I thought about blogging about it (eventhough I told myself I'll never discuss family matters in my blogs and just keep it in my big black journal) 'coz I don't want to embarass myself here in the office for being such a baby about a simple text message. Gawddammet!


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