Friday, October 19, 2007

Pearl and Ellen

If you haven't seen The Landlord yet, watch it and you'll fall in-love with baby Pearl. Just recently I came across another video of her and Will Ferrell. This one is allegedly her last performance - Good Cop, Baby Cop. She's sooo cute and funny! I just can't get enough of her. I think she'd be the future Ellen Degeneres. With their current looks, they almost look like mother and daughter. Short, blonde hair and both with bad-ass humor. I wish Pearl would have movies later on. I'll be outside the cinema before it opens. By the way, Ellen's breakdown over her dog Iggy has gone out of hand with all the death threats to the people of Mutts & Moms [website removed]. I totally feel for her 'coz I know how it feels to lose a dog or whatever you'd prefer as a pet in a situation that you have no control over. I cried when I came home one day and learned that my stupid brother forgot to lock the gate and my dog Jinky was nowhere to be found. My little sister cried for a day when my dad gave away her dog because we already had 5 at that time and their shit were all over the place. Our whole family attended one of our dog's burial in our garden. Ellen pleaded her supporters to stop harassing Mutts & Moms, who in turn claimed that Ellen used her popularity to get the people's sympathy. Ellen just wants to have Iggy returned to her or at least she'd be assured that the dog will be given a home with the same love and care that her hairdresser's family had given it. I hope this would end soon. As much as I love dogs, I don't think they're reason enough to be the cause of violence. Come to think of it, what's in it for us if we use violence?


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