Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Coffee Break

Had coffee with Khai again earlier today and she told me about her Friendster blog. Below is the unedited copy. To Khai.. I know how to take care of my friends so this thank you, though appreciated, wouldn't have been necessary. Worry not that she would do something against you. She'll be stupid if she'd take out her anger on you when it was my decision to write about it. I take full responsibility for everything that I said. I was being professional when I didn't do anything about what she did to me back then. I was paid to do a job in PS, not to worry about disturbed people like her. Now that we're not directly working with each other, she can do whatever she wants and I'll be here waiting. Besides, if she's professional and educated as she probably will claim she is, she would be wise not to touch you, 'coz after all.. she's a supervisor. Ooopppsss, I mean YOUR supervisor.Ü

its my fault.
i should have shut up when i was told to do so but i couldn't, considering the fact that i was hurt to begin with, plus the fact that its my name that's being tarnished with the stuff that has been coming out.
i had to tell someone who could relate and so i told Claudine.
and i thank her for coming to my aid when i needed it. i guess its because she knows that whatever little things i do to avenge myself would still be negligible. it still won't be as much of an impact to the person concerned.
although i know that if the person concerned would learn about this there will be a big mess and i will be in great trouble, i am still thankful that Clau stood up for me when no one else did.
i did not really expect that Clau will do this. the last time i checked, she really just kept everything to herself as much as she can. i guess there will always come a point in one's life that one will let everything out to relieve one's self. i am scared, not because i am a coward but because i will also have to face the "wrath of the devil". its complicated but the people who know about what's going on know what i am talking about and what i am about to face. its like waiting for an inevitable execution.
i thank you Clau, for standing by my side and coming to my defense.
till the next time we meet for coffee...

By the way, Happy Halloween everybody! Nobody was allowed to enter the office earlier without any costume. Click on the picture below for more of our "pecture-pecture". We also had our special ice breaker, Winker. That was fun! Again, Happy Halloween!Ü


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