Congratulations, CLauDinE®! Your IQ score is 122.
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind.
Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind.
Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients
IQ - Description - % of Population
130+ - Very superior - 2.2%
120-129 - Superior - 6.7%
110-119 - High average - 16.1%
90-109 - Average - 50%
80-89 - Low average - 16.1%
70-79 - Borderline - 6.7%
Below 70 - Extremely low - 2.2%
I have no idea why I took the test. Nevertheless, I'm happy knowing I'm not an average like I thought I was. If you don't know your IQ yet, it wouldn't take long, here's the link. Back to work and I have to admit I miss my workstation with all it's mess and I miss the routine that I had to abandon for a week to help with local recruiting. A former officemate who I referred was extended an offer and I'm excited about working with him again as he's one of the funniest people I know. I talked to couple of gay drunkards last night and I was able to talk one of them into applying and before I left them, the other one said I talk well. I went to PS last Friday and talked to some of my former officemates and one of them said I've become sales-y which came out as a big surprise as I was one of the most vocal about how I hated the sales people while I was still with technical support. It's another story but nice to know Global Response had awaken this side of me.
Over the last couple of weeks I have watched a few movies. Resident Evil: Extinction, Rogue Assassin, even the local movie I've Fallen For You. I hated the movie and I won't even bother putting a link. Wonder why I watched it? I dunno. It was another boring Sunday and nobody was available to keep me company. It was one of those days that for the lack of anything productive to do, I allow myself to indulge in kabaduyan. I've watched quite a few baduy films because for one, I'm bored and another was I'm curious as to why people actually flock to cinemas to watch it and even allow an ambush interview. To that I say again, to each his own. Not my cup of tea but it didn't hurt either.. so it's okay. It's my BWB [don't ask me what that means] graduation this coming Saturday and I've been tiring myself thinking of what not-so-cheap but at the same time not-too-expensive gift I can give to a 25-year old guy. He wanted an original Rubik's Cube but I dunno where to get one or why out-of-the-blue he asked for it. If there's anybody out there who can help me, leave a comment with your email addy. Help, please and thanks!
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