After almost a month of applying and comparing offers, I've finally got the company and position that I wanted.. including the compensation, of course. Throughout this whole experience, I learned what Chris Gardner must have felt when he lost everything. A couple of days ago, I said I was gonna give up my room and temporarily live at Talia's house - for free! Embarassing but I was willing to swallow my pride. As they say, kapit sa patalim. After signing the offer, I felt an overwhelming relief and I'm now very excited to start training on Monday as a QA Analyst. Ryan and Faith both got offers too, so that's a triple YEY!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Posted by
Friday, April 25, 2008
Labels: chris gardner, pursuit of happyness
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just this afternoon, I finally had the guts to watch the controversial rectum surgery scandal video in YouTube. DISGUSTING! I'm not really sure what actions were taken but I hope those doctors be suspended or something. Regardless of why the canister was there, they shouldn't have video taped it for fun, worse reproduced and broadcasted. Now the world is laughing at us. Ugh!
Posted by
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, surgery scandal, youtube
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Will It Be Jason or Brooke?
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Monday, April 21, 2008
I Miss You, PPI!!!
Our previous company was very unconventional. We go thru each day thinking tomorrow we won't have any company to go back to.. Like each day was our last. It was like being The Apprentice / Housemates of Big Brother. Each week, we were given tasks/challenges to test how serious we were with the job and to know how dedicated we were. Even before we started working, we were already given a test. We were asked if we were willing to relocate to Bacolod [back to Bacolod, I mean] and despite everything that worries me about coming home, I said yes and so as the others. I slowly said goodbye to my friends here in Cebu and my family was happy that I was coming back. Next morning, I got a text message saying I passed the test and those who said they weren't willing to relocate were subtly fired. There were nights that we had to leave work and travel all the way from Gorordo to Talamban only to be welcomed with vodka, tequilla, beer and chips. If you think it was all fun, you're wrong. Those who were too drunk and got crazy were let go. One wrong move and you're out. We get "fuck you!" and "you're stupid!" at times but it was on to the left ear and off to the right. Someone once said it was all MIND GAMES and we couldn't agree more. I could go on with all the insane tests we got thru. How we survived countless eviction days/nights but you might just think I'm making it up.
We believed in each other. We laughed and cried together. We planned our future together. We comforted each other. Gained weight together, LOL! Sang Last Night, I Love You Brother and Will You Count Me In together.. Yes, it was short-lived but I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. I'm not angry, maybe a li'l.. and I'm not blogging about this because I want to make a point. I'm talking about this because I miss the team.. A LOT! PPI [Party People International.. or President's Plan Incorporated] will always have a place in my heart.. Awwwwww..
Posted by
Monday, April 21, 2008
Labels: global response
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Coolest 2-Year Old!
Since I joined the unemployed population of the Philippines almost a month ago, I've been basically everywhere. Today's the 4th day that I've been staying over at my bf's house. He wanted me to stay here and enjoy his siblings, cousin and grandmama's company [he leaves for work at 6am and comes home at about 6pm] 'coz I've been joking a lot about wanting to commit suicide, hehehehe. This is the longest time that I've been without a job and it's getting on my nerves. Two more weeks of being jobless and I'll be a beggar. If he didn't offer to help me with my rent, I'd probably be packing my way back to Bacolod. BUT, things are looking good with 2 final interviews scheduled for next week. I'm about 75% sure I'd get a job offer before weekend.
This part is not for all. Only those involved will understand so don't PM me to fish out info, wahahahahaha. This is a message for somebody who was responsible for the misery of about 10 people. I don't know what your problem is but you've fuckin' hurt a lot of people already. You always turn the table around and think you're the victim when in fact you're always the one in control. I have accepted the fact that we could never go far with our relationship that's why I was still happy when I walked away. It was hard but I've managed and has moved on. I was fine until I learned yesterday about what you did to the rest of the guys. I'm not mad at you because of what happened to us. I'm fuckin' mad at you because of what you did to my friends! Hope you read my YM status message: If thoughts could kill, hell is probably organizing a welcome party for you by now!
Anywaaaaaaaaay, the internet connection here is pretty good and I've been randomly watching YouTube videos hoping I'd find something cool. I did. This is sooo amazing! Check out this uber cool 2-year old skateboarder!
Posted by
Friday, April 18, 2008
Labels: baby, skateboarding, youtube
Thursday, April 17, 2008
God Bless America!!!

Finally!!! She's down! The nerve of that bitch to cry as if she doesn't deserve to be voted out. Now, we don't have to tolerate mediocrity on the performances.. Not that there won't be bad performances anymore but at least, the contestants left are worth watching. I'm just overwhelmed that she's out! Weepee!!! And it was touching to see Brooke defend the bitch. She's really a sweetie. David Archuleta looked very cute when he sat on the floor. And David Cook was even adorable when he sat next to my langga. Aaawwww..
Posted by
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Goosebumps My Ass!
Goosebumps?! WTF was Mariah Carey thinking when she made Kristy Lee feel like she owned the song?! She might have sang that song better than the other songs she murdered but the sight of her annoys the hell out of me! After tonight's performance, looks like Carly, Syesha or Brooke's goin' home - if VoteForTheWorst continues to support that bitch. I hope not. They're waaay better that her. Like travelling barefoot from Cebu to Bacolod. David Cook was amazing! OMG, I wanna melt hearing him belt out a half mellow, half upbeat song. I got like 10 text messages telling me they're in-love with him. Talia texted me, "It's official, David Cook and I are getting married. You're one of the bridesmaids.." However, my heart will always belong to David Archuleta. I almost cried when I missed his performance on the replay. Thank you YouTube!!!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, mariah carey, youtube
Saturday, April 12, 2008
BaGAY Ta?!
To all of you who treat gays like trash, here's what I have to say to you and to borrow 22nd Street's joke [and I'll make it wholesome, hehehehe].. BAKLA NGA CLA PRO MALAY MO, NAGAMIT NA CLA NG TATAY MO!!!
Posted by
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
F*ck You Kristy Lee!

Posted by
Friday, April 11, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Fool's Gold Meets The Spartans
Some parts were really funny, but others are a little bit exaggerated. Kinda like the Date Movie. The Paula Abdul impersonator was hilarious! And the Spartan greeting was sooo funny! If you're bored, then this is a good film to watch.
Fool's Gold
I think this was a li'l similar to Into The Blue but it was nice nevertheless. Matthew McConaughey was uber hot. Gosh, that body!
David Archuleta rocked tonight with his soulful rendition of Angels by Robbie Williams. I love him!!!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7, date movie, fool's gold, into the blue, meet the spartans
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
You Don't Mess With The..
I'm still waiting for the Sex And The City Movie to be released in the US on May 30. For now, enjoy this trailer of Adam Sandler's new movie.. YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN!
From: Adam Sandler's Official Website
About The Film:
In "You Don't Mess With The Zohan", a comedy co-written by Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel (Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) and Judd Apatow (Knocked Up), Sandler stars as Zohan, a commando who fakes his own death in order to pursue his dream: becoming a hairstylist in New York.
Status: Post Production
Release Date: June 6, 2008
Starring: Adam Sandler, John Turturro, Rob Schneider, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Nick Swardson
Directed by: Dennis Dugan
Produced by: Jack Giarraputo
Executive Produced by: Barry Bernardi, Robert Smigel
Written By: Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel, Judd Apatow
Posted by
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Labels: adam sandler, atonement, sex and the city, you don't mess with the zohan
Monday, April 7, 2008
Something To Make You Smile.. or Laugh..
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Monday, April 07, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Last Thursday, Ryan and I met for coffee to talk about the "what-went-wrong" episode of GR, the company that breeds gluttony. We met some of the old TRONies and most of them had "nanambok ka!" greeting and we can only say, "both of us are unemployed too!" We visited Bay 2 and it was depressing to see our old stations now empty. Sigh.
Yesterday, I started my room make-over project. I covered the room with a nice wall paper, changed the flooring and added colorful accents [I'll upload the before and after pics when I'm done, hehehehe]. Being busy with this project keeps me sane and makes me stay away from self-pity, LOL! Gotta go, another interview...
Posted by
Friday, April 04, 2008
Labels: american idol season 7