Monday, January 7, 2008


This was my former officemate, ex-TRONie like me, Aubrey's blog. I called her earlier to source out names [hint: her hubby] and companies that I can probably contact. They're based in Atlanta, GA. I pretended to be a recruiter who saw her profile online and I asked her if it's true that she was a call girl - Ryan [the officemate] suggested agogo [a go go] dancer but I thought that was just so Pinoy. There was a slight pause and then she went off and corrected me saying she previously worked in a call center [obviously irritated]. I couldn't hold it any longer so I laughed and broke my bluff. It's still the same old shriek only Aubrey can pull off.. or maybe Cindy too. It's good to keep in touch with old friends. However, this time she got punk'd! LOL.

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i just got a spoof call from miss claudine santillan!! nalingaw kow!!! binuang kaayo mong ryan ha! LOL

here goes :

claudine : can i speak with aubrey?

ako : this is aubrey.

cya : i read from your resume online (or email ba to, haha) that you were a call girl before?

ako : what?! (i'm thinking, where the hell did you get my number and what are you saying?!)

cya : (she repeated her last statement)

by this time na imberna na ko!! LOL

ako : no, no, i worked for a call center before. (as calmly as i can.. :p)

on the other end of the line, i heard nga nibahakhak na ang lady. na confuse na ko!!

cya : HOI aubrey, c claudine ni.

hahahahaha i got PUNKe'D!!



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