Friday, November 16, 2007

Crappy Old Me

Woohoo! I found one of my old blog site. It only had four entries but I'm happy 'coz now I can compare the way I used to blog. But I kinda think nothing has changed. Oh well, I'm gonna post it here anyway.. Crappy Old Me..Ü

Why Not..
Sunday, 25 February 2007 at 23:38

I'm not a fan of blogging, reading somebody else's - yes, though I free write almost every day [I have this huge journal for my ranting pleasure]. This is a free feature so why not use it. Luckily, this is one of the very few non-work related sites that our IT department hasn't blocked [yet, and hopefully not ever] so I might be able to get used to updating this at least once a week.
The only thing that keeps me from blogging is the fact that this is fully accessible. Honestly, I don't understand the whole concept of blogs, I just enjoy reading. The good thing about this is that, unlike my journal, putting entries is easier coz typing is faster than writing. I just can't bare it all here, I can't backbite, I can' t swear, etc. I dread the day that somebody would actually read my journal 'coz I've openly expressed my feelings there & it's not all pretty.
Common thing is, it's an outlet. Although... my friends tells me I often think aloud & guess what, I hurt others with my stupid, stupid mouth. I always say I'm just being honest, or frank, or whatever but really, I'm just tactless. So I'm telling you now, if you wanna be my friend, think again.
Feel free to leave me your comments [lol, as if you care].
By the way, I have/had a blogsite and I haven't updated that one in a looong time. That is funny for most of the people who share the same humor and I wrote that out of boredom so crash into it if you feel like..
This is all for now. Ciao!

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A New Twist
Monday, 26 February 2007 at 04:48

I agreed to meet up with a good friend last Friday and though I just got off from work [exhausted, sleepy and grumpy], he was able to convince me to drink. I haven't seen him for more than 2 years since he left PeopleSupport and I owe him all that I am now coz he was my very first mentor. So they ordered some SanMigLight in cans at the hotel where he and his other friend was staying and I didn't say anything when I saw that it seems I'm on for a looong 'session'. I don't like beer in can but since hotels rarely have stocks in bottles, I popped mine open without any qualms. Now here's the thing, my friend went out to get his 'special ingredient' and I was quite surprised when he got back with a box of Extra Joss. Yeah baby, Extra Joss! What amazed me was they didn't ask for a glass of water. They actually put the powder on their beer. They said it keeps them going on and on and on......
Fast forward to a couple of cans, I was feeling the exhaustion that even a cup of Caramel Macchiato can't get rid of [I dropped by a coffee shop before meeting up with them coz I know I won't be able to go home sooner and my shift ends at f*cking 1pm!] so I decided against my better judgement to try this new twist to SML. A few drops of the powder made the difference in the taste but a few drops later, I felt this certaiin adrenaline coming over me. No more yawns, no more constant look on my cellphone's clock.. I was psyched! Believe me, ever since I started working, my alcohol tolerance wasn't as strong as it was when I was in college but that 'new twist' made me drink like there was no tomorrow. Well, maybe that's over exaggerated but i was sure i was drinking more than what I can normally manage nowadays. No hangovers, no headache but since I didn't get enough sleep and had --- nevermind... I'm now nursing a cough, a cold and a slight fever..

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Where's the mute button?!
Friday, 2 March 2007 at 01:18

I came across this audio about the PLDT DSL customer representative who cursed the customer [tags: Raul Bacaldo or Catherine Rossana]. I don't know whether I'd laugh at the customer's over-exaggeration or pity the emotional agent. This audio had been circulating since last year but I never really had the chance to listen to it. I was able to the other day and I would just like to say that I have never heard of a customer representative who was so stupid and forgot to hit the mute button. Well, I did that once. I had said "f@#$" and the customer was like "what did you say?". Quick thinking saved me though. We have this FOC Date in our database w/c is also important as far DSL troubleshooting is concerned and good thing it sounded like F@#$% *wink*.
Anyway, I've been working as a tech support agent for close to 3 years now and had numerous nerve-racking, ear-stinging customer encounters. One customer called me "bitch", the other one said "f@#$% you", etc, etc. [pardon my poor use of punctuation marks]. I used to cry but I didn't do it on the calls. Now, I'd say I'm tough [I work with an escalation team so I can now raise my voice when talking to customers LOL], but there are still times when I get affected.
That audio made me realize how important the training that our company gave us. Customers are always right, but there are inevitable things in technology that are beyond our control. Training for handling customer frustration taught us how to pacify screaming, irate/frustrated/enraged end-users with calmness and authority. Technical training taught us the specifics of the remote and physical repairs on the line and softwares, with that we're able to give proper time expectations. A customer will stop ranting if they are given technical explanations. Why? Either they understand OR they don't want to be embarassed by the fact that they know nothing about the service. Besides, which ISP intentionally interrupts their customers connection? For what --- fun? And one more thing, offer credits - that's music to their ears.
This is one reason why I had once told a Smart customer care representative when I called to complain, "it's a shame how we Filipinos can give good customer care to people abroad but not with our own". I am proud to say that I work with a team that delivers despite the discrimination we get from some of our american customers.

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Wednesday, 7 March 2007 at 00:40

I'm not into classical music but I'm not against it either but eversince I started working in a call center, I've grown to hate it. The hold music of every call center I know are instrumental and classical music, the most common is The Canon by Pachelbel. I loved it when I first heard it on the Korean movie My Sassy Girl [the piano piece on the recital] but now, I loathe it! Anyway, since I'm on hold and I'm listening to it right now, I figured I'll do something else rather than continue pulling out dead hair strands which I had been doing for the last 9 mins.

I can't think of anything in particular to talk about so I'll think about random things. Uhhmm, aaahh, ummm. Darn, nothing seems to interest me as I look around the office. The only thing I see in front of me is a pack of Marlboro reds. Ok, I've been trying to quit smoking but it's easier said than done. It keeps me awake. Though I'm insomiac, the boring work that we do here is enough to make me crave for my bed every hour of my shift. Quitting had been my new years resolution for the last couple of years but what the heck, I always hear people say quitters never win, so why would I quit?! Kidding aside, I told myself I'll quit if I get pregnant [not that I'm asking for it - now]. We'll see...

Did it ever happen to you that you wanted to fart really bad but you can't? That's exactly what I'm feeling right now! ~!@#$%^&*()_+ Oh hey, my agent is back on the line! Gotta go, I need to let out this silent wind of doom or careless whisper as I always call it, harharhar...


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