Saturday, December 20, 2008


While I was with GR, I was earning more than what most people at the age of 25 do. When the company closed, I had to go back to the call center industry and settle for a lower (way lower) pay. I told myself I'll get a promotion within my first 6 months in the company but I never thought of it as a realistic goal. I was taking my break about 2 weeks ago and chanced upon two coaches and they presented me with a proposition. A recommendation actually. The thought of going up against a tenured QA for a new position was intimidating but the offer was too hard to resist. After a couple of days of deep thinking and asking around, I decided I'd apply. I had to do a demo and go thru a panel interview with the bosses but with the support from 99% of the management team, my confidence was secured and so I think I nailed the interview. Last December 16 (my rest day), despite the dropping of hints and assurance from a lot of people that I'd get the position (and threat that they'd kill me if I don't), I was still surprised to get a phone call at 6.30am from one of the coaches saying my promotion was announced and the office errupted with cheers. As to why people were extremely pleased with my promotion, I'd rather not say or I might get in trouble, hehehehe.Ü But anyway, I'm happy. I'm now an Academy Bay QA. Yes, still a QA but I'll be handling agents during their nesting period as what it's called in most contact centers. So that means, lots and lots of pre-shift and post-shift meetings, erratic schedule and stressful/clueless agents. I think it'd be a challenge adjusting to the shifting schedules almost every week but I think I can handle it. Effective last night, I transitioned from 2am to 12midnight (for now).

I'd just like to express how painful it was to say goodbye to doing side-by-side and remote evals for my old team. I'd miss screaming at them when they're too rowdy during the meetings, the annoyance when they don't follow my rules with their maint forms, the being proud or frustrated with their quality, my being pissed off with their ABSENTEEISM, etc, etc. They made me cry last time when they told me they'd outcast me since I'm no longer part of the team but I cried even harder with their replies to my semi-farewell text message. We'd be on the same floor but then I'll be too pre-occupied to laugh at their crazy antics. Sigh. The sacrifices we have to make to move up..


Anne said...

congratulations, Clau! you deserve the post more than anyone else.. :)

cLauDinE® said...

thanks! i'm looking forward now to working full-time hehehehe