Monday, September 24, 2007

Bye Harry Potter..

Finally.. I've read the 7th installment of Harry Potter. I've been wanting to read it but haven't got the chance until last week. I was reading slowly to make sure I get the answer to all the questions from the beginning and at the same time, I didn't want it to end. I laughed at every witty remark, gasped at each truth revealed and at every unforgivable curse Harry casts.. cried at every death. I wouldn't go into specifics 'coz I'm sure there's still a good number of people who hasn't read it and spoiling it could piss somebody just as I was pissed off with those insensitive bastards who posted their reviews and gave away everything.

I guess I got so emotional because I know that there would be no more to come. It was the end [eventhough I hated the epilogue, ugh - cheeseball!]. For each time that I had to wait for the next book, I feel I'd die with anticipation. It would be worth it when it comes yet there would always be an itch to get a hold of the next one. This time though it's different. The only thing that's left is the 6th and final movie which for me is only exciting 'coz I'm curious of how they would look like as I've imagined them while reading.

I hope I'm not the only one depressed about this. It feels terrible not having something to look forward to anymore. To something that has become so close to my heart to the point of saying out their names in my sleep.. I say bye-bye. This is so sad.. =(


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