Thursday, May 29, 2008

After The Long Wait...

Finally Sex and the City came to an end.. I wish I could have more time to review the movie but my shift starts in a few minutes. I was crying for the most part of the movie like I was when I watched season 1-7 in one sitting. My fave scene is definitely Big's hurrying back to the library and Carrie hitting him with flowers and the powerful "NO" from Charlotte. My heart just stopped beating. The scene was so strong that I would have replayed it over and over again if I had the power to. Unfortunately, YouTube still doesn't have that part and I don't want to spoil it totally for those who haven't seen it yet. It was very emotional and I still can't get over it.

Their dresses are really nice. I can't remember a dress without a belt. I'm not a big fan of signature brands but they really had cool stuffs! The shoes were nice eventhough I don't appreciate anything with heels. The bags.. I love them! The colors are wonderful.

Some of things I wish I'd seen would be the part where we get to see their families. No mom or dad on either first or 2nd wedding.. OOOPPPSSS! I'll stop now.

I watched Caregiver too. What the heck! Hahahaha! It was nice though. It had a happy ending but not the usual Filipino ending I expected. Great acting by the way. Well, gotta go now.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Rock Stars!

Oh man! This video is sooo funny!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The New AI.. DAVID!

As early as 10am today, I already knew that David Cook won. After watching their performances last night and hearing what the judges had to say, I have to admit that the result was unexpected. But I wasn't disappointed either. I thought I'd be since I've been blogging about how I wanted David Archuleta to win, but surpirsingly I wasn't. I know both of them will go far after AI. I realized earlier as well after watching their skit with Mike Myers that between the two, David Cook had more personality. All David Archuleta did was smile and throw in some lines. But he's still uber cute. And both of them got new cars!

Simon did it again. He apologized once before to Katharine McPhee after his negative performance on her I Have Nothing. He apologized to David Cook for being rude to him last night. Nice..Ü

Carly and Michael Johns' performance earlier was amazing! Most of them were lucky enough to be able to sing with top artists like Seal, George Michael and Donna Summer. I thought Amanda was a bore. She looked like she wasn't happy about being part of the finale show. I thought the whole show was a blast. And Carrie Underwood definitely stole the show. She was fantastic! Gotta go, last day of training then we're off to nesting.Ü

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The result for tomorrow is pretty obvious. It'd be the 2 David's facing each other in the finals. I didn't like any of their performances tonight mostly because I'm not familiar with some of the songs. But I love love love the song choice of David Cook, I Dare You To Move. I used to listen to that song almost every day before I go to sleep, hehehehe.Ü I have to agree with Simon though, David Archuleta looks funny when he dances. Ewww.. So gay. But he's not. Bleh!

Another 9 hours of training. I can't wait to get over with it and go straight to the real work. I wonder what my former GR officemates are doing now. I know one had started working already. Well, I can only hope all is fine with them too. I miss them sooo much. =(

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Poor David..

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Backstage meddling has caught up "American Idol" favorite David Archuleta's dad, who's been banned from rehearsals, a person working for the TV talent contest said Friday.

Jeff Archuleta was told this week by producers that he can no longer join his 17-year-old son David as he prepares for the show, the person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press. The person wasn't authorized to comment publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The show's action was first reported Friday by the online Web site TMZ.

David Archuleta of Murray, Utah, is one of three contestants left as the top-rated Fox show heads toward the May 20-21 finale. The fresh-faced teenager with the big voice has consistently been deemed a front-runner by the judges and been a consistent fan favorite.

Jeff Archuleta's intense backstage involvement had become a source of concern for the series, the person connected with "American Idol" said — but it was a lyric change on Tuesday's show that pushed producers to act.
Despite a warning, Jeff Archuleta insisted on altering "Stand by Me," one of two songs his son sang on the show Tuesday. By adding a verse from Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girls," the father incurred additional costs for "American Idol," the person said.

Fox declined comment. Attempts to reach Jeff Archuleta for comment were unsuccessful. A phone number listed under his name in Murray, Utah, was no longer in service, and Fox did not immediately respond to a request Friday evening for help in contacting the family.

Earlier Friday, David Archuleta was honored at a hometown celebration held at his high school in Murray, during which Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman declared "David Archuleta Day."

The singer and his family declined to be interviewed at the event, but David Archuleta did speak with the Salt Lake City Fox affiliate, KSTU-TV. "Wow," he exclaimed as he viewed the cheerleading squad outside his stretch limousine.

The other finalists left in competition for the "Idol" title and a record contract are David Cook and Syesha Mercado. Cook, a native of suburban Blue Springs, Mo., had his own homecoming celebration Friday in Kansas City, while Mercado was feted Bradenton, Fla.

---> Poor David.. Anyway, HAPPY MOTHER's DAY!!!



It's 11:28 pm and I'm the only one awake.. If you're super bored like me, I suggest you watch these videos. I'm still laughing while typing.. This is really funny!

Charlie Bit Me.. (Charlie bit himself actually.. Focus on the baby..)

Charlie Bit Me.. Again..

And here's a bonus..

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dread No More!

He's out! Jason Castro said bye-bye to American Idol. Ryan Seacrest said there's about a million difference of votes per contestant and I'm pretty sure David Archuleta led the pack. I still believe though that David Cook might steal the top spot with 2 more weeks to go.

Information overload. That has always been the case with me whenever I go on training. Three days into product specific and I'm about to throw up. The only good thing is now I understand why no matter how religiously I pay off my credit cards, the balance seems to stay almost the same. Fuckin' fees and how the payment is distributed on it first instead of the balance. No wonder the financial industry is booming. Sigh. I have to get rid of them ASAP!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So Close..

Four left and one to go tomorrow. I'm so happy David Archuleta beat all of 'em tonight when I thought David Cook will rule this week since it's rock and roll. Jason has to go! He's getting boring each week. I loved li'l David's Stand By Me!!!


Saturday, May 3, 2008


At long last, I finally had the time to sit and blog - but I can't think of anything to blog about. Last Thursday was posted during lunch and I finished it in 3 minutes. I survived the first week of training with the dropping of jaws and stretching of the lips. Good thing I passed and accelerated to the next part of training, along with almost half the class, woohooo! A lot of new faces and some old. About half the class too came from PS, LOL. One of them I used to hate a lot but now I love hanging out with. The last 2 days of training always ended with food and beer. Here are some of the pictures.

I can't think of anything else to share except suggest that you search poohquiao in YouTube and laugh your ass off like what I've been doing the last couple of days or watch the crazy Peanut by the hottie Jeff Dunham. There's a new video of Achmed too! In case you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, go ahead and watch Achmed, The Dead Terrorist first and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bye Bye Brooke! =(

I started training with my new company last Monday and I kinda felt bad I wasn't able to watch the satellite telecast of AI. I was able to watch the replay last night at 11:30 and I really thought Jason or Syesha will be kicked out tonight. Too bad Brooke had to leave. I wanted Jason to get the boot because he was really getting boring. Anyway, what's done is done. Hopefully next week he leaves.