Monday, November 26, 2007

Fuck You For Breaking My Heart!

Weepey! I've seen Hitman and Saturday would have been perfect if not for, sigh I'll talk about that later. Timothy Olyphant aka Agent 47 was sooo hot. His piercing stares seems to tell you he can kill you with his bare hands [actually, his character can] or strip you off your clothes and fuck you wild, hehehehe. Sunday was boring but I watched Enchanted with Talia. I've been waiting for it and there are now two movies off my must-see list. It was a fantasy/comedy film but I fuckin' cried when I heard that song during the ball. In case you're wondering why I'm so upset, the one guy who I thought was so perfect and who I thought would never hurt me, broke my goddamn heart and I never felt stupid crying in a taxi 'coz of heartache twice in my life. First when I learned my old flame had a girlfriend in Manila while he was still screwing me and last Saturday when I learned that that sick bastard just wanted me for the meantime and he has made plans for himself and I'm not fuckin' part of it. Well, I haven't really asked him if that's what he meant with all the things he said but it sure sounded like he's off to somewhere without me. It makes me wonder, was the girl crying in the cab almost three years ago as stupid and immature as the crying lady in another cab last Saturday? Have I not learned my lessons? To you, who fuckin' subjected me to two days of crying, unless you give me a good reason to change my mind, then I think you and I are a done-deal-dot-com. For making my heart feels like an orange in a squeezer for the last couple of days, I only have this to tell you.. FUCK YOU FOR BREAKING MY HEART!



Anonymous said...

as in! i just realized now what really made you upset. it does hurt, hearing him plan things for his future without. i'm glad you patched things up, though.

cLauDinE® said...

late reply, hehehehe yup. ok na and hopefully d na ma bring up ever!