Saturday, June 6, 2009

Latest Addiction

I don't know how long Facebook's Farm Town can keep me away from logging in Friendster, Multiply and Blogspot. Been playing for less than two weeks and I'm now at Level 22. I've had sleepless nights and overbreaks because of this game which I originally thought as a waste of time. Now, I get irritated whenever Ryan uses the PC not because I feel he doesn't have time for me, but because I want to farm all day long.. Just last night, I had tantrums because he turned off the alarm so my grapes have all gone to waste.. Believe me, if you're into this game, you'd understand how frustrating that is..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi spam's me rapornzel..RAP i mean..hehe :)
just dropping by to say hi and checking out ur blog...keep it cool! cu around!