Saturday, June 20, 2009

Is this going to be forever?!

I've been very pre-occupied with Farm Town lately that I completely forgot about the other things that I used to love. Wait, pre-occupied is not the proper term.. ADDICTED! I even bought a second hand laptop just so I can extend my farm because the f*cking computers at the Expresso can't handle the application. Anyway, since I'm just waiting for Ryan to set-up the laptop... I mean customize and also still deliberating which internet connection I'm gonna get for myself.. I decided to do something I used to do a lot before.. Watch funny babies/kids in YouTube. And I found this video of a 7-year old boy who got sooo wasted after going to the dentist. The meds are probably just too heavy for the kid.. I've never laughed this hard in a loooooong time..


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