Friday, September 14, 2007

Then and Now

Then. I spent the first 3 years of my professional career as a call center agent and I was only able to sort of share my life with a few. Unfortunately, my congeniality can't cover all 800 plus employees. My previous team was called TRON, we're the Gods of Dirt as we always say.. the last line of defense for technical support. I have always been proud of how united we were. One of us even said in his farewell email that the team is a juggernaut, 'coz we surpassed all the dramas and delivered way beyond expectations. It was really hard for me to finally leave [I thought about quitting a lot of times] although it's for a better opportunity, because of emotional attachment. I could have stayed longer, however, I realized that no matter how I love being with the people I work with, it wouldn't suffice the need for career growth. I wouldn't go into ranting since I gave it all away with my clearance form and exit interview [I tell you, my interviewer had a mouthful]. Besides, I realized at 24 I should start thinking about my future. Being the sentimental fool that I am, I still feel sad whenever I think of all the fun I had with TRON. Click on the pictures below and you'll understand why..

..TRON's 2nd Anniversary..

..PS/TRON's Old Pix..

Now. Moving to a start-up company gave me the opportunity to work with a small group and get the chance to get to know them really well. From cleaning the office, setting up the PC's, to emergency meetings and "eviction day and night" hehehehe. The reason why I'm very particular with office relationships is that it's always better to work with people you're comfortable with. All work and no play makes you boring, cliché but true. I personally, can work at best when I know that the person sitting next to me is someone who I can invite for a fun Saturday night out or keep me company at a coffee shop on a boring Sunday afternoon.. someone to hang out with whenever I feel that the work pressure is getting on my nerves [which happens once in awhile]. With less than 30 employees, communication is never a problem and it's easy to plan out activities that involves everybody like the one you'll see below. No worries for what the management or the other departments will say. One of our main objective when we started out was to make sure we jell and with activities like this one, it wasn't long before we achivieved oneness. Click on the picture for our..

..1st Pajama Party!..

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