Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chuck & Larry

IMDb: Two straight, single Brooklyn firefighters (Sandler, James) pretend to be a gay couple in order to receive domestic partner benefits.

The movie is hilarious. I've been an Adam Sandler fan since I first saw him on The Wedding Singer singing Grow Old With You, That's All and Somebody Kill Me Please. His bad-ass humor tickles every bone in my body. His cuteness drives me crazy! Anyway, this movie reminded me of my gay bestfriend, Joedel. We've been friends since we were kids. My granny's house is a couple of blocks away from theirs and even then I knew he was gay. Granny told me I came home crying one day saying Joedel's gay and she scolded me for claiming such at a very young age and she said I told her Joedel was playing with "chinese garter" and dolls. I was crying because he was mean, and he still is. I'd go out of the house feeling good about myself and he'd be his usual critic self, bursting my bubbles. We've had our share of petty fights. So petty that we'd just laugh about it now. We weren't on speaking terms for 2 years back in high school and got back together during a play when his sarong fell off seconds before he was supposed to hit the stage and I had to help him. Whenever we'd talk about it, he'd always dodge 'coz he doesn't know why he suddenly had the urge not to talk to me.

The movie made me realize that for friends like Joedel, who stood by me thru all my dramas.. I'd go as far as pretending just to save his ass from whatever. I hope it wouldn't go as far as pretending to be his wife or gf or anything with romance. Imagine having to kiss him in public, ugh! Disgusting! Just like the old sarcastic saying - A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be in the next cell saying "that was f*cking awesome!" Like Chuck and Larry. You gotta see the shower scene with the black "guy" singing I'm Every Woman, LOL. Two thumbs up!


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