Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sex & The City

IMDb: Four beautiful female New Yorkers gossip about their sex-lives (or lack thereof) and find new ways to deal with being a woman in the 90's.

I used to stay up late just to catch each episode on HBO, eventhough my dad threatened to ground me if he sees me watching it [he's too old-fashioned]. Whenever my friends and I go on a night out, we'd make it a point that we go somewhere with a television [tips a waitress to switch the channel] just so we don't miss it. I'm crazy about them! The fashionista, Carrie Bradshaw [Sarah Jessica Parker]; the sweet Charlotte York Goldenblatt [Kristin Davis]; the smart Miranda Hobbes [Cynthia Nixon]; and the daring Samantha Jones [Kim Cattrall]. Among the four, I adore Sam the most. I will never forget the episode where she told her intern, "The bad news is you're fired. The good news is now I can f*ck you!" - then she swept all the things off the table and mauled the surprised lad. And when she said after an oral sex on some guy, "Could you shave or something? Blowing you is like getting my teeth flossed."

I am thrilled of the upcoming movie, to be released on May 2008 [tentative]. I can't wait to see them back in action. If you're a liberated woman with a passion for clothes, shoes, sumptuous food, wine and of course, sex in the city.. this would be perfect for you. If you haven't followed their story, treat yourself and get a copy.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chuck & Larry

IMDb: Two straight, single Brooklyn firefighters (Sandler, James) pretend to be a gay couple in order to receive domestic partner benefits.

The movie is hilarious. I've been an Adam Sandler fan since I first saw him on The Wedding Singer singing Grow Old With You, That's All and Somebody Kill Me Please. His bad-ass humor tickles every bone in my body. His cuteness drives me crazy! Anyway, this movie reminded me of my gay bestfriend, Joedel. We've been friends since we were kids. My granny's house is a couple of blocks away from theirs and even then I knew he was gay. Granny told me I came home crying one day saying Joedel's gay and she scolded me for claiming such at a very young age and she said I told her Joedel was playing with "chinese garter" and dolls. I was crying because he was mean, and he still is. I'd go out of the house feeling good about myself and he'd be his usual critic self, bursting my bubbles. We've had our share of petty fights. So petty that we'd just laugh about it now. We weren't on speaking terms for 2 years back in high school and got back together during a play when his sarong fell off seconds before he was supposed to hit the stage and I had to help him. Whenever we'd talk about it, he'd always dodge 'coz he doesn't know why he suddenly had the urge not to talk to me.

The movie made me realize that for friends like Joedel, who stood by me thru all my dramas.. I'd go as far as pretending just to save his ass from whatever. I hope it wouldn't go as far as pretending to be his wife or gf or anything with romance. Imagine having to kiss him in public, ugh! Disgusting! Just like the old sarcastic saying - A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be in the next cell saying "that was f*cking awesome!" Like Chuck and Larry. You gotta see the shower scene with the black "guy" singing I'm Every Woman, LOL. Two thumbs up!


Monday, September 24, 2007

Bye Harry Potter..

Finally.. I've read the 7th installment of Harry Potter. I've been wanting to read it but haven't got the chance until last week. I was reading slowly to make sure I get the answer to all the questions from the beginning and at the same time, I didn't want it to end. I laughed at every witty remark, gasped at each truth revealed and at every unforgivable curse Harry casts.. cried at every death. I wouldn't go into specifics 'coz I'm sure there's still a good number of people who hasn't read it and spoiling it could piss somebody just as I was pissed off with those insensitive bastards who posted their reviews and gave away everything.

I guess I got so emotional because I know that there would be no more to come. It was the end [eventhough I hated the epilogue, ugh - cheeseball!]. For each time that I had to wait for the next book, I feel I'd die with anticipation. It would be worth it when it comes yet there would always be an itch to get a hold of the next one. This time though it's different. The only thing that's left is the 6th and final movie which for me is only exciting 'coz I'm curious of how they would look like as I've imagined them while reading.

I hope I'm not the only one depressed about this. It feels terrible not having something to look forward to anymore. To something that has become so close to my heart to the point of saying out their names in my sleep.. I say bye-bye. This is so sad.. =(


Thursday, September 20, 2007

A green shirt and a mini..

How does it feel to f*ck your agent the previous night and coach him the following day? That was what I wanted to know from --- hmmm, let's just call her Coy - yes, the fish. A friend back in college and I had an affair and it feels awful to sit nonchalantly next to him in class when we had been all over each other the previous night. But this one is different. It has always been a rule in the corporate world not to have a relationship with the people you work with, worse, your direct report. The way I see it, it's purely lust.. of course that goes without saying there's physical attraction and maybe, just maybe - a little of like. We're not talking about a one-night-stand here. This is an occassional tryst and while it's perfectly normal nowadays, we can't help but ask.. where is it heading to?

This isn't the first time I heard of such set-up, heck I was even in one myself [and still am but.. but let's not talk about me].. and about ninety percent of the time, the girl in the relationship develops this itching desire to have more. With Coy, she kept her feelings to herself not wanting to scare Travis [name withheld per Coy's request] away. For awhile it seemed okay. Then just like any other story, the urge to spill the secret became too intense. Coy confessed and yes, Travis drifted away. That leaves Coy hanging, crying herself to sleep and always looking at a blank space. Trying every way possible to bridge the gap she created. Sending SMS late at night, hoping against hope that he'd reply. Nada. Pathetic isn't it? Yet, can we blame her if she had totally fallen head-over-heels with a guy who she found out later on was already committed to somebody else. It would be easy to slap her and tell her to wake up, however, we don't feel the way that she does. I could make this even more lengthy but it's all gonna go down to unrequited love. This is not like some sappy soap-operas with happy endings - with a wedding, some kissing, more hugging and a pool of tears. This is reality. The moral story, according to Coy is, "Don't wear a green blouse and a mini skirt on your first meeting." Get that? Count me in..


Letter of the Year

Got this from my friends' multiply account and found it very entertaining. This was allegedly from a newspaper. Read on and enjoy!

I thought Jay's ex-girlfriend was really out of our lives. But heaven only goes that I was wrong.
Kakakasal pa lang namin nun when Jay received a unanimous text. "Meet me at the clinic." I had a stinking feeling in my butt. I told him not to go.
Pero sabi nya, ok lang daw because life is what we make. Tumahimik lang ako. Sabi nya, "penny for you talks." But i didn't know what to say.
Beggars can't be losers. Isa pa, worried talaga ako na baka yung girl yun.
Jay said, "Can't got your tongue?" I tried to smile at him. Kahit di ako nagsalita, actions speak louder than works, di ba?
Be that as is may, umalis pa rin sya. I was out of the loophole. After a few hours, I called him on his cellphone. But my calls fell on Jeff's ears.
Lalo akong nag-worry kasi I didn't even know Jeff. Sabi na nga ba di na dapat umalis si Jay. That's what I'm talking about it.
So I tried calling some friends who will help me find Jay. That's what friends are for naman di ba? But i just faced a blank mall.
I had to do this alone. Nag-taxi na lang ako. Pero ang mahal na pala ng plug down rate.
When i got to the clinic, the security was really buffed up. Di basta-basta makakapasok. So i said, "I beg your cordon. I'm patient." It's my favorite virtue nga e.
Nagduda yata yung isang guard. Hinawakan ako sa arm. The nerd! I shouted, "Don't touch me not!" Buti na lang the other guards were nice and said, "Come on, let's join us."
When i went inside parang I've been there, done there. Nung walang nakatingin, nag explore ako. Nakarating ako sa top floor and i had a bird's IQ of the clinic.
I could not explain it but i was drawn to a room on the floor. Siguro Divine Intermission na yun.
Parang may naririnig akong umuungol. I was thorn. Di ko alam kung aalis ba ako o papasukin ko.
It made me stick in the stomach to think that Jay and his ex-girlfriend were there. I tried to tell myself to slower my expectations.
But to tell with it! I had to strike while the iron is not. I had to hear the truth from the corpse's mouth. I baragged in.
Omy gas! Si Jay, naka-strap sa operating table, parang genie pig sa isang nakakatakot na experiment. He was on the cutting edge. He was bleeding.
At ang doctor na nagpapahirap sa kanya, ang ex-girlfriend nya at ang bago nitong boyfriend, ang nurse na si Walter. Doon ko napatunayang blood is thickier than Walter.
Guess watch? Di ko alam kung paano ko nagawa pero i was able to search and rescue Jay. Siguro adrenaline brush na yun.
Now, he's recovering. Nag-sorry siya na hindi siya nakinig sa akin.
I know it's a better pill to swallow your pride so it's forgive and forget me not. All swell that end swell. I know we should kiss and put on makeup.
Ang ex-girlfriend naman niya at si Walter, nakakulong na. Detention is really better than cure. So the moral of the lesson is: if symptoms persist, insult your doctor.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Price

I'm sick, literally. Windows closed, fan off, yet I was shivering under my blanket the whole day yesterday. I rarely get sick but when I do, it's usually due to my allergy. I'd like to think this is because it's already the rainy season but my mother insists that I probably stress myself too much with work. She worries a lot that nobody's here to take care of me and I would always tell her I can manage. Since I moved here in Cebu back in July 2004, I have learned to depend on nobody but myself. I learned to wash my own clothes and cook for myself, albeit instant. I revel on the fact that I don't have to worry about asking for permission whenever and wherever I wanna go, that I don't have to explain why I came home late or why I stayed up all night. Freedom, independence.. things that I so wanted to have when I was still living with my parents. For the most part, I love living on my own. But there are days when I just wish I was still at home and be awaken by my siblings' constant bickering [at least I'm not talking to myself, which I don't mind doing since I'm always alone].. when I go the kitchen and find breakfast ready, with coffee made specially for me.. when I don't have to worry about trips to the laundromat.. and have all the other things that my parents have generously provided me. Just like yesterday and today, I can't help but wish Mama was here to give me her TLC. I guess, this is the price I have to pay for my freedom and independence.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Inday. Does that name ring a bell? I have been bombarded with text messages about her for the last couple of weeks. For those who don't know her yet, she's the nanny with impeccable english communication skills and vast knowledge about anything and everything. She actually reminds me of Maritess [Maritess vs. The Superfriends], except that the latter's english is not as polished as that of Inday. The first time I got one about her, I laughed my ass off. But at this point, I'm so sick and tired of it that I wanna shoot anybody who forwards a supposedly funny SMS. There was her long explanation why Junior have rashes, what she prepared for his "baon" and her contempt towards the principal for claiming Junior started a brawl at school.. why there's too much litter in the backyard, even clarifying what kind of fish she's gonna get at the wet market. Then there's the alleged death of Inday because somebody shot her in the head, the other reason was it was due to excessive nosebleeding after attending Junior's school Linggo Ng Wika. I thought it'd end there, then came Berting the driver and the balot vendor. Ugh! If I was their employer [not that I believe they exist], I'd take out a portion of their salary for each english word that comes out of their mouth just to stop all this annoying stories about them [who actually heard them and spreads the word? hell if I know!]. To make it worse, Goldilocks launched their commercial with Kris Aquino instructing Inday to get the i-forgot-what-kind of bread and she replied with head up high, perfectly pronounced - "I know." To all those who keep on spamming messages about Inday, utang na loob, stop it! It's not funny anymore.. for me, at least.


Monday, September 17, 2007

It's a good thing!

Have you ever swore off drinking 'coz you had too much the previous night and you woke up the following morning rushing to the rest room, puking your lungs out and feeling your head throb like crazy? It happened to me one too many times back in college and I guess I'm way over that time when all I worry about is fitting in.. to be accepted by a group because I do the things they do. As I look back, I can't help but laugh at myself for worrying too much of other people's opinion of me - to the extent of forcing myself to engage in what we used to call our "drinking session" even if I'm not in the mood. Point is, [note: copied from a text message] - "Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it. Why waste your time thinking what others will tell you. Instead, do what makes you happy."

Now that I've developed the "i-don't-give-a-damn" attitude, I do things I never would have thought of doing before like refusing to take a swig, or even a sip. Not that I don't drink at all anymore.. I just have the balls now to push the bottle away from me. Yeah I'm a sucker but heck, I feel great the next day while they all nurse their hangovers. And, to borrow Martha Stewart's trademark tag line, "it's a good thing!"


Friday, September 14, 2007

Then and Now

Then. I spent the first 3 years of my professional career as a call center agent and I was only able to sort of share my life with a few. Unfortunately, my congeniality can't cover all 800 plus employees. My previous team was called TRON, we're the Gods of Dirt as we always say.. the last line of defense for technical support. I have always been proud of how united we were. One of us even said in his farewell email that the team is a juggernaut, 'coz we surpassed all the dramas and delivered way beyond expectations. It was really hard for me to finally leave [I thought about quitting a lot of times] although it's for a better opportunity, because of emotional attachment. I could have stayed longer, however, I realized that no matter how I love being with the people I work with, it wouldn't suffice the need for career growth. I wouldn't go into ranting since I gave it all away with my clearance form and exit interview [I tell you, my interviewer had a mouthful]. Besides, I realized at 24 I should start thinking about my future. Being the sentimental fool that I am, I still feel sad whenever I think of all the fun I had with TRON. Click on the pictures below and you'll understand why..

..TRON's 2nd Anniversary..

..PS/TRON's Old Pix..

Now. Moving to a start-up company gave me the opportunity to work with a small group and get the chance to get to know them really well. From cleaning the office, setting up the PC's, to emergency meetings and "eviction day and night" hehehehe. The reason why I'm very particular with office relationships is that it's always better to work with people you're comfortable with. All work and no play makes you boring, cliché but true. I personally, can work at best when I know that the person sitting next to me is someone who I can invite for a fun Saturday night out or keep me company at a coffee shop on a boring Sunday afternoon.. someone to hang out with whenever I feel that the work pressure is getting on my nerves [which happens once in awhile]. With less than 30 employees, communication is never a problem and it's easy to plan out activities that involves everybody like the one you'll see below. No worries for what the management or the other departments will say. One of our main objective when we started out was to make sure we jell and with activities like this one, it wasn't long before we achivieved oneness. Click on the picture for our..

..1st Pajama Party!..

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ugly Girl

I sooo love this song. I think any girl can be bitter if she had been traded for somebody "less attractive" --- ugly is such a strong word, LOL. [It doesn't automatically play so click the PLAY button.]


Director's Cut

Aside from pictorials, we also do mtv's and skit presentations. Featuring my amateur but impressive direction... thanks to Faith's superb acting and Genie's amazing voice.

"Sorry po, Maam.."

Check out my Multiply account for more Videos and Pictures


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cry Baby

I saw the audition video of this little girl [Britain's Got Talent: Connie/Conny Talbot] from a former officemate's blog and he simply said "This made me cry". I never thought I'd feel the same 'coz I know how emotional he is and how the littlest of things can make him teary-eyed [sorry Rye!Ü hehehe]. Oh boy! Even before she finished singing, I was already in tears. It's just amazing how a six-year old can make an audience so silent and how she can let you feel like she meant every word of the song. Click on the picture and you'll see..


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

You harden there!

Rainy days are here again. I was on my way to the office 30 minutes early so I decided to stop by McDo to get something to eat. It was raining hard so I decided to eat there. Behind my table were yuppies discussing business and I don't think the place was proper. A coffee shop would have been more conducive. Well, to each his own they say. To my left were guess what, Koreans! I used to joke a lot about Americans invading the Philippines [reminds me of the stand-up comedian who said Americans would parade around malls with their exotic beauty girlfriends/wife and how these Filipinas has been taken away from the clutches of poverty], now it's the wierd-sounding giggles of Koreans trying very hard to talk in English.

I have nothing against them, besides they bring money to the country. There are a lot of schools offering ESL classes and Korean restos are almost everywhere. I guess it's just that I can't understand them and I'm somebody who loves to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, hehehehe. More importantly, Koreans make Filipinos sound better when talking in english.Ü

Americans marrying or having Filipina girlfriends are hilarious, and that's not an insult. I just can't help laughing whenever I hear stories of how funny some girls are when they try sooo hard to impress their American boyfriends with their english. I'll share with you one conversation I'll never forget and it still makes me laugh each time I think of it. [READ: I'm blogging about this for fun, so spare me the negative comments if you don't agree]. I was outside Ayala, smoking and waiting for a friend...
American: You drag me out of the house 'coz you said you wanted to go to Ayala and now we're just gonna sit here?
Preggy Filipina [frowning]: It's not easy to be prignant Hon oi. You ask da doctor, it's very painpul. I'm very achepul!

Hahahahahaha. Acheful?! Oh, here's another one. I was joking around my former officemates of how the guards would greet us. "Good apternoon maam-ser, wilcome to Ayala cinter!" One of us bravely smiled at an American and said the same and he smiled back. The Filipina girlfriend gave us a disgusted look but we didn't care, we were busy laughing. When we got inside, they were seated in front of us and we heard her say, "I asked da guard der, dey don't work her, nixt time, till guard". In tagalog, "tinanong ko ang guard, d cla nagta-trabaho dito, sa susunod, sumbong mo sa guard". Then there's the Filipina nanny who told her "alaga" --- "I told you not to go to, you go to, look at!" In tagalog, "sinabi ko ng wag ka pumunta dun, pumunta ka pa rin, tingnan mo!" Hahahahaha! It's like the text I got from a friend about a Filipina who got mad at her husband for coming home late when she cooked dinner for him. "I cooked the house, you eat the ship. From now [on?], you do your do, I'll do my do. You harden there!" Translation: Nagluto ako dito sa bahay, sa barko ka kumain. Simula ngayon, gawin mo gusto mo at gagawin ko ang gusto ko. Manigas ka dyan!" Hahahahaha, gotta go back to work. 'Til next time!


Girls Behaving Badly

This is what happens when we're left alone in the office..

.. Faith? Hahahahaha!..

..Models of an amateur photographer..

..One, too, tee, poor!..

..The synchronized pose was not intentional. Gosh, professionals?!"

..Og ngano ako ra man nag emote?! D mada ininglish oi. Pak yu bets!..


Monday, September 10, 2007

GR in Action

All work and no play makes you bhhooorrriiing!
More pics @ work..

..The Dodong's..

.. Sleep? What's that?..


.. The 3 of us, as useless..

.. GRO's.. GR Officers, char..

..Alin, alin, alin ang naiba?..

..Meeting mode..

Hmmm is this supposed to be my blog or our company album?Ü


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Emergency meeting effects..

I wanna share with you our little "pictorial". These are my crazy officemates. So who can blame me if I now say I don't regret at all my decision to leave PS?Ü

..Me, Mommy Jai and crazy Dodong Faith..

..Sleepy eyes Dodong and pa-cute Genie..

..Videoke model..

..That's Faith being her normal self..

..What were we thinking?!

.. The Amazons...

..Retarded girls on a purple wall..

..Looking afar effect..

..Drama queens..



Saturday, September 8, 2007

My nth Blog

I've had a about four blog accounts and none of them had been good enough for me to take seriously and update regularly. I can't even remember some of them. I can't think of any specific topic I'd dedicate this blog to. I guess that's the reason why I chose CluelessClyde for my username. That's not my name either. It sounds like it when you say the 1st syllable and I had one friend call me that for awhile, however, it just didn't feel right. I even tried using Clyde for my phone name but one of my customer said, "if you'll choose a name, might as well opt for a female name". Right, like I don't know Clyde Drexler. Anyway, that didn't work for me as well so I decided to name my dolphin stuffed toy Clyde. My tazmanian devil stuffed toy is simply Taz. I call my toy pug Bastie the bastard and my little police pig, Ron the moron. A former officemate had a cow stuffed toy and we called "him" Assie the asshole. Not only that, we had a secret/invisible friend, "Lindows" and we used to put an extra chair between us. That would cause many raised eyebrows especially when we start talking to "him". Wierd isn't it? Hey, call me Clyde.

In case you haven't noticed yet, once I start talking.. I just can't stop and would randomly pick something to talk about. I find it hard to focus on one topic alone. A college classmate once told me she finds it hard to get my point and she has to ask me "and the bottomline is?". That's me and I don't care if you don't want to waste your time reading my blog, I have a LOT of friends. LOL. Well anyway, by now I'd like to think you know why I chose CluelessClyde for my username and Anything and Everything... for my blog title. I'm thinking maybe I'll do like most of the bloggers do, talk about current issues or comment on books they've recently read or movies they've seen or whatever. I don't really have much time to read these days because I'm still adjusting to my new work. I haven't even had the chance to read the Harry Potter book 7 [ugh! i wanna die!]. Movies? Maybe I'll choose one in a week 'coz I watch movies all the time and I don't think I'll have the time [or patience] to discuss 'em one-by-one. Or maybe, just anything. We'll see.. This is all for now, just wanna, you know, get myself in the mood. Hopefully I'd still remember tomorrow that I created one today. Hehehe.Ü