Monday, January 21, 2008


How can I fuckin' get this song out of my head?! This is my 3rd blog about the person behind all this fad, waaaaaah! Faith sent an email to a client last Friday and guess what was the subject? I AM YOUR BROTHER! I dunno what got into her. She realized her mistake only after going thru her sent items. Just now I learned that some people actually went out of their ways to remix the song. Here's a couple of versions but I'm pretty sure there will be a lot more to come. Whoever thought of this was a fuckin' genius. We all wanted to sleep awhile ago but everybody was so pumped up when I played it and heard it on all of the 6 speakers in our tiny office. You rock Renaldo! [My dad and bro's name are Reynaldo, whaaaaaat?!] However, I wish you didn't make this so catchy that I can't get it off my mind!!


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