Tuesday, February 12, 2008


A friend once asked for my top 3 most amazing feeling. I didn't know what answer she was expecting so I asked her. She said 1.] loving; 2.] to be loved; and 3.] #1 and 2 to happen at the same time. All I was able to say was "Aaahhh" 'coz my top 3 would have been 1.] scratching an itch; 2.] taking a dump; and 3.] having an orgasm. I don't have any particular reason why I'm blogging about this. I just feel like it. Maybe I'm too bored?

Tomorrow, I mean later, I'll be meeting my dad's cousins. I've been living here in Cebu for almost 3 years now thinking I'm alone yet they have been here all along. I've been in contact thru text with the woman who introduced herself to me as Tita Van [I still don't know where she got my #] for the last few months but I thought they were in Bantayan which is my father's family place of origin. She said she'd like to meet me in person 'coz the last time she saw me, I was like 5 years old. I wonder how she'd feel seeing somebody almost twenty years after. And I wonder how wierd it'd feel to meet these relatives who I don't remember seeing at all. Maybe I'll like them 'coz they seemed nice. Tita Van even asked me once if I like danggit 'coz she's gonna cook for me. We'll see..

Yeah, I am bored.

Half the team aren't here yet 'coz of this new schedule plan. We don't even know if it'll work, maybe it will. But if I can convince Ryan to come at the office the same time the BD's do, then it'll be great. He was the life of the party when we were with TRON and he still is here in GR. The office isn't just the same without his random hirits. Maybe, just maybe.. I can.

Maybe I'm talking non-sense so I'll stop.


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