"You look almost as if you're siblings.."
We always get that from our friends. They always tell me that I spend most of my time with Ryan that we're starting to switch faces already. At some point, I was able to see our similarities but now I'm convinced. I was given an additional off today and Ryan's shift started 9pm. I chose to stay here at their house instead so I can take advantage of the unlimitted internet connection vs. spending P100 for my Globe Tattoo. Her granny's in the living room watching some soap and I'm still thinking of what else to do until around 1pm tomorrow. Ryan's shift ends at 6.30am but he will have his CISCO class from 8am-12nn. I'm sooo bored so I went profile-hopping in Facebook. I visited my high school friends' page and stumbled upon THIS SITE. And here's what I got..
OMG!!! I gasped. It's as if nothing changed. I've seen other morphed images and it's not as close as this. LOL! Now I wonder (based on superstitious beliefs), are we meant to stay together or not? I say WE'RE MEANT TO LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!