Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rin On The Rox!

It's been boring the last few days. Well, except for the big ITR I got, hehehehe.Ü Yesterday was my li'l bro, Reymart and my bf's grandma, Manet's birthday. Though it's sad to have not spent another birthday of one of my siblings, my bf's family never failed to make me feel I belong.

Ryan showed me a video yesterday of yet another YouTube Sensation, Rin On The Rox. I listened to almost all their versions and I have to admit, they're really2x good. After reading some comments, I learned Rin's for Erin (who looks like Isay Alvarez) and Rox is for Roxanne (who looks like Angel Locsin). According to their YouTube profile --> Nationality? Yes, we both are Filipino, but as for Roxanne shes half Filipino and White... =)

Can't wait for their guesting in Ellen. Check 'em out!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tip Roñes!

It's the time of the year again when Cebu celebrates Sinulog. The Sinulog festival is one of the grandest and most colorful festivals in the Philippines. The main festival is held each year on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City to honor the Santo Niño, or the child Jesus, who used to be the patron saint of the whole province of Cebu (since in the Catholic faith Jesus is not a saint, but God). It is essentially a dance ritual which remembers the Filipino people’s pagan past and their acceptance of Christianity.

Luckily, I was given additional offs so I can to enjoy the celebration. Joedel, a friend from childhood came here for the festivities with his family and we hang out last night at IT Park. My previous team planned something for later so I'm up early to meet some of them in the office. Ryan and some of his friends from work are playing Dota and out of boredom, I decided I'd blog even if I don't know what to blog, hehehehe.Ü Damn this internet cafe, everything in this computer screams Korean. I'm relying in my familiarity with the icons and position of links to figure out what to click.

If you haven't seen The Curios Case of Benjamin Button yet, I suggest you do. The movie has an unusual plot and I loved the story. The only thing I didn't like about the movie is the fact that the most part of it was focussed on Button's old age. I was silently cursing and hoping I'd get to see what happens when he gets to his teenage years while Daisy's tits are already sagging. The movie made me see how this text message from a friend would look and feel like if it comes true.. "Wouldn't it make more sense if the life cycle were backwards? We should die first, get it out of the way. Then live with the wisdom of old age. Go to work. Work 40 years 'til we're young enough to enjoy our retirement. Booze, get laid, party. Get ready for highschool, then off to grade school, become a kid, play and have no worries. Become a little baby, go back into the womb, spend the last 9 months floating and finish off as an orgasm. Perfect ending right? It was just weird and freaky to see an old man having an attraction with a little girl and seeing an old lady bathing a child she used to fuck, hehehehe..Ü

I found a few things yesterday while I was surfing the net at Ryan's place. One of which is the article Kolgirl which was published by Inquirer. It's an article about the call center lifestyle and I can't agree more with what the author said. Read it HERE. These videos on the other hand made me laugh like crazy. Hope you enjoy it and PIT SEñOR EVERYBODY!!!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Here Again

American Idol. Woohoo!!! I promised myself I'm not gonna blog as much as I did for season 7. And I think that's what's gonna happen since I haven't gotten myself a new TV. My RD for now is Tue-Wed so that gives me the chance to watch it since I spend my off here's at Ryan's place. I dunno next week. I want to see every episode like last season. Like I didn't miss one episode and I annoyed the hell out of some people for blogging like crazy, hahahahaha! Don't worry, that's not gonna happen this time. Ü

There's a new addition to the AI family. Singer/songwriter Kara DioGuardi as the fourth judge. Heard and seen her only once and I thought it was Katharine McPhee. I was looking for the YouTube video of Lost by Faith Hill and I saw her own rendition since she co-wrote it. I like her style and her voice. I didn't know she's gonna be big. Good for her. She's pretty.

Just when I thought social networking is dead, I'm bombarded with Facebook notifications. I registered about a year ago and recently, my inbox had been flooded with updates. I noticed some of my friends' Friendster profile are unupdated but their Facebook are up-to-date. Should I permanently move? We'll see.

Ryan tried blogging. And this is what he had for a start ---> my friends and i are still friends, but they don't want me to be here, so all i can say is "It's Here Again". He typed this while I was in the restroom. I wanted him to try blogging but now I think he's better off playing his war games. Hahahaha!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It's a boring Wednesday morning. It's my off and I have my period. Yet another frustrating false alarm after not having my period for the whole month of December. Ryan and I woke up earlier at around 5am. We had breakfast of pancit canton and torta, with hot coffee and bahaw. Yesterday, I had allergies but I just slept it off because Ryan refused to come with me to the hospital 'coz he was too tired. What an ass! We celebrated our anniversary last January 2 and he dropped by the office and asked me to have lunch with him at a resto in Banilad just across the resto where we had our first "date" back in 2004. It was a simple yet sweet celebration. More to come (I hope!).

Office. Hmmm.. I had been handling my aBay class for the last two weeks and I'm really enjoying myself. I miss my previous team but most of the time they occupy the pod next to my team so it feels like nothing's changed. I like the fact that I'm handling newbies. Still scared and obedient, hehehehe.Ü I even have one agent who'd basically shake and stutter when she sees me with my clipboard and y-cord. But that for me is the challenge of the position. To teach and make them improve and in the process take out their inhibitions and develop confidence.

American Idol is almost here so that means I really have to get a TV within this week. The TV I previously used was part of the room that I rented in Mabolo. Hope the sweldo this coming Friday is bigger than the usual.

I was able to successfully upload all the pictures of Team Nebo's christmas party in Regency Crest last December 28. HERE's the link to the compiled pictures from mine, Borgie and Soc's cam.

I don't know what else to blog about.